Okay, so I’m up to date with Sonic the Hedgehog, and Sonic Universe, so it’s time to start filling in some more of those gaps.
Unfortunately next on my list is the Sonic X comic series, I was very tempted to give this a miss as it is a truely terrible comic, no offence meant at the writers and artists they did the best job they could within the constraints of the Sonic X series it’s just well rubbish. So why not just give it a miss? Well I’m a completioinist, I have to have everything up to date and accurate otherwise I’m not happy, I guess that’s why I’ve collected so much rubbish over the years, anyway I’m getting off topic, here’s Archie’s Sonic X 1-10, read it if you dare.!
AngreyFox August 2, 2010 at 10:54 pm |