Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog 021-030

001-010 | 011-020 | 021-030 | 031-040 | 041-050 | 051-060 | 061-070 | 071-080 | 081-090 | 091-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-190 | 191-200 | 201-210 | 211-220 | 221-230 | 231-240 | 241-250

Sonic the Hedgehog # 021
Released: March 1995| Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Jon D’Agostino

The Three Phases of E.V.E.
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Patrick Spaziante | Inker: Harvey Mercadoocasio | Colours: Barry Grossman
Sonic smashes swatbots, while Robotnik gathers data for his latest invention E.V.E. (“Exceptionally Versatile Evolvanoids”) to capture Sonic. As Sonic manages to outsmart E.V.E. it simply adapts to another form to compensate. Can Sonic stay ahead?

Sonic the Hedgehog # 022
Released: April 1995 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Jon D’Agostino

The Return
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Patrick Spaziante | Inker: Harvey Mercadoocasio | Colours: Barry Grossman
Continuing from Sonic 21, take a glimpse into the future where Sonic is married with children and the once thought destroyed Robotnik has come back.

Tails’ Knighttime Story!
Script: Angelo DeCesare | Pencils: Angelo DeCesare | Inker: Jon D’Agostino
In an attempt to get Tails to sleep, Sally tells Tails the story of Sir Runalot and Mortail to convince Tails that Sonic’s life is filled with danger and hard work, not fun and excitement.

Sonic the Hedgehog # 023
Released: May 1995 | Cover: Dave Manak & Jon D’Agostino

Ivo Robotnik, Freedom Fighter!
Script: Angelo DeCesare | Pencils: Dave Manak | Inker: Rich Koslowski | Colours: Barry Grossman
Robotnik’s attempt to roboticize Rotor goes awry when he and the Freedom Fighters are sucked into the spaceship of Carheem, a giant interplanetary scientist who has no plans on letting the FF’s and Robotnik go.

The Vol-Ant-Teer
Script: Angelo DeCesare | Pencils: Dave Manak | Inker: Jon D’Agostino | Colours: ???
Tails has left a power ring in Robotropolis without Sonic knowing. Antoine being the showoff he is decides to retrieve it, but Bunnie comes along to help.

Sonic the Hedgehog # 024
Released: June 1995 | Cover: Dave Manak & Jon D’Agostino

When Hedgehogs Collide
Script: Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders | Pencils: Dave Manak & Art Mawhinney | Inker: Rich Koslowski | Colours: Barry Grossman
Anti-Sonic returns! And this time he’s brought his worlds version of Sally, Tails, Rotor, and Antoine to terrorise Mobius and turn the world against the freedom fighters!

Sonic the Hedgehog # 025
Released: July 1995 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Havey Mercadoocasio

Go Ahead, Mecha my Day
Script: Mike Gallagher | Pencils: Patrick Spaziante | Inker: Harvey Mercadoocasio
| Colours: Barry Grossman
In the adaption to Sonic CD for the Sega Genesis, the Freedom Fighters discover a zone portal to the Collision Chaos Zone! Robotnik tries to lure Sonic into the zone portal by kidnapping his #1 fan: Amy Rose, a pink hedgehog, with a special treat in store for the hedgehog when he gets there.

Sonic the Hedgehog # 026
Released: August 1995 | Cover: Dave Manak & Jon D’Agostino

Way, Way Past Cool
Script: Angelo DeCesare | Pencils: Dave Manak | Inker: Jon D’Agostino | Colours: Barry Grossman
Sonic, Tails, Sally, Rotor and Antoine enjoying a day at the beach suddenly find themselves in a snowstorm in the middle of summer! This can only be one of Dr. Robotnik’s schemes!

Script: Angelo DeCesare | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Rich Koslowski |
The Knothole gang are in the mountains, trying to keep one step ahead of Dr Robotnik, not easy an easy task since Sonic has a sprained ankle!

Sonic the Hedgehog # 027
Released: September 1995 | Cover:Ken Penders & Jon D’Agostino

A Scrambled Hedgehog
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Rich Koslowski | Colours: Barry Grossman
While retrieving a message from Slueth Doggy Dog and Sir Kicks-A-Lot (Members of the Spy Network) in Robotropolis, Sonic collides into a Swatbot with sufficient force to knock himself out! Coming to in Robotnik’s headquarters, Sonic displays all the symptoms of amnesia! And of course Robotnik uses this to his advantage.

Sonic the Hedgehog # 028
Released: October 1995 | Cover: Dave Manak & Jon D’Agostino

Saturday Night’s Alright for a Fight!
Script:Ken Penders | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Rich Koslowski | Colours: Barry Grossman
Continuing last issue’s story, Sonic has managed to avoid Knothole’s defences and penertrate the control centre, where he procedes to attack the Freedom Fighters!

Growing Pains – Part One
Script: Mike Gallagher | Pencils: Dave Manak| Inker: Harvey Mercadoocasio
Tails, still upset at Sonic for beating him up in the previous story, and resentful of Sally for keeping the Sea Fox in dry dock as a “floating crib” sets out on his own!

Sonic the Hedgehog # 029
Released: October 1995 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Steel Belted Sally
Script: Angelo DeCesare | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Rich Koslowski | Colours: Barry Grossman
Meet Dulcy the Dragon (Sonic The Hedgehog, SatAM Cartoon)! Sonic finds a “portable deroboticizer” in a crashed hover unit, with this Sally quickly comes up with a plan to use it against Robotnik.

Growing Pains – Part Two
Script: Mike Gallagher | Pencils: Dave Manak | Inker: Harvey Mercadoocasio
When we last left Tails, he had been betrayed by Fiona, who turned out to be one of Robotnik’s Auto-Automatons! Can he escapein time or will this be the end of the two tailed hero?

Sonic the Hedgehog # 030
Released: November 1995 | Cover: Art Mawhinney & Jon D’Agostino

The Return of Uncle Chuck
Script: Angelo DeCesare | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Jon D’Agostino | Colours: Barry Grossman
While Sonic’s reminiscing about Uncle Chuck at the ruins of his old chili dog stand, Dr. Robotnik and Snively are preparing to test a Transdimensional Transporter and are about to use Uncle Chuck as a test subject! But something goes wrong as the fat man ends up trapped in the Void!

Who Keeps Stealing my Chaos Emeralds?!
Script: Paul Castiglia | Pencils: Patrick Spaziante | Inker: Brian Thomas
In order to further safeguard some Chaos Emeralds from a thieving “anteater”, Robotnik sends Coconuts to set some traps on an island base.

001-010 | 011-020 | 021-030 | 031-040 | 041-050 | 051-060 | 061-070 | 071-080 | 081-090 | 091-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-190 | 191-200 | 201-210 | 211-220 | 221-230 | 231-240 | 241-250


Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's,
the grey Chaos Emerald (aka the evil one), magic and Wordpress. Sonic and all related characters are copyright of SEGA and Sonic Team and are
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