Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog 051-060

001-010 | 011-020 | 021-030 | 031-040 | 041-050 | 051-060 | 061-070 | 071-080 | 081-090 | 091-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-190 | 191-200 | 201-210 | 211-220 | 221-230 | 231-240 | 241-250

Sonic the Hedgehog # 051
Released: July 1997 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Reality Bytes
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Sam Maxwell | Inker: Andrew Pepoy
You are cordially invited to the celebration of a lifetime,The Knothole Victory Party! The victory celebration begins! Now that Robotnik has been defeated, everyone can feel safe and secure… or can they? Sonic doesn’t seem to think so when everyone he knows and loves gets roboticized by a hidden enemy. What does this mean? Who’s behind this latest attack? Is Dr. Robotnik really gone or has someone else taken over?

Sonic the Hedgehog # 052
Released: August 1997 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvo Mercadoocasio

The Discovery Zone
Script: Tom Rolston | Pencils: Manny Galan | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Karl Bollers
Prepare yourself for something different as Sonic falls into a zone with a few minor surprises (and one or two major ones to boot). Take a walk on the wild side with Sonic as he steps into a zone that must be seen for yourself.

First Contact
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Karl Bollers
Princess Sally contacts the major Freedom Fighters in the world to tell them of Robotnik’s demise and set out plans for the future.

Sonic the Hedgehog # 053
Released: September 1997 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvo Mercadoocasio

Unfinished Business
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Ken Penders | Colours: Karl Bollers
As the freedom fighters begin the task of cleaning up Mobotropolis Knuckles comes to visit with a new friend Julie-Su but for what purpose?

Sounds Of Silence
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Sam Maxwell | Inker: Pam Eklund | Colours: Karl Bollers
And if you thought that was all the surprises in store for you there’s more! So you thought Robotnik being gone would be the end of the Freedom Fighter’s problems? Not when you have the return of people like Robotnik’s mentor, Warlord Kodos and the ‘supposed’ creator of the Zone of Silence, wizard extraordinare, Ixis Naugus, vying for control!

Sonic the Hedgehog # 054
Released: October 1997 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvo Mercadoocasio

Running To Stand Still
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Nelson Ortega & John Hebert| Inker: Harvey Mercadoocasio | Colours: Karl Bollers
In the aftermath of the “Endgame” saga and subsequent “Brave New World” special, The Freedom Fighters try to resolve and understand their place and their new life in the new Mobotropolis, especially Sonic! Leading the charge is Princess Sally who is in full effect as she spearheads the reconstruction, but what price will she pay to make sure it gets done, valiantly attempting to restructure the kingdom? And what about Snively? You don’t think he’s going to take any of this lying down, do you? Snively, lurking in the shadows of the Devil’s Gulag, plans his first move against the freedom fighters. Just what does he do?

Sonic the Hedgehog # 055
Released: September 1998 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvo Mercadoocasio

Monkey Madness
Script: Frank Strom | Pencils: Frank Strom | Inker: Ken Penders| Colours: Karl Bollers
Who says things are quiet now that there is peace on Mobius? The Freedom Fighters are at it again. This time against a new threat in the form of Eggbots. Controlling them from behind bars is none other than Snively. He is on the attack as he makes his first move toward seeking power. And that power shows up in the form of Monkey Khan, a cyborg monkey created by Robotnik years ago. Is he friend or foe? Only this story knows for sure.

Rise Of The Robians
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Andy Underwood & Edwards Artistic Studios | Inker: Pam Eklund | Colours: Karl Bollers
What is wrong with King Acorn? He’s ordering the dismantling of all roboticized Mobians, including Uncle Chuck!

Sonic the Hedgehog # 056
Released: January 1998 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Immortality Is Forever – Life Is Finite
Script: Kent Taylor | Pencils: John Hebert & Manny Galan | Inker: Harvey Mercadoocasio & Jim Amash | Colours: Karl Bollers
THE RETURN OF SUPER SONIC AND HYPER KNUCKLES! The conclusion to “Dark Vegeance”‘s exciting cliffhanger. Mammoth Mogul is now Mobius’ most powerful creature with the knowledge and ambition to use these powers to the extreme! What will the inhabitants of Mobius do if the Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix (as well an everyone fighting off the invasion of the Dark Legion) can’t stop him? Will the return of Super Sonic and Hyper Knuckles be enough? This is one story you should not miss!

Sonic the Hedgehog # 057
Released: January 1998 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Back To Basics
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Jim Amash
Witness the past unfold as Sonic and the Freedom Fighters reminisce about times gone by in a rather unique way, the joy, the sadness, the losses, and the victories!

Sonic the Hedgehog # 058
Released: February 1998 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Friendly Rogues And Foul Villians
Script: Ken Penders & Clayton Emery | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Ken Penders | Colours: Ken Penders
Sonic and Tails Locked In Chains?!? No, you didn’t miss an issue or a story, that’s how this issue starts off! But, of course, that’s not the only question to be asked. Here are some more: A mysterious figure who roams the forest? An evil villain with a tragic secret? What could we possibly be talking about? The answer is in the saga “Friendly Rogues and Foul Villains!” This story also features everybody’s favorite echidna, Knuckles, in a storyline that picks up from Knuckles the Echidna #11 and concludes in Knuckles the Echidna #12.

Tales Of The Freedom Fighters – The Living Crown
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Manny Galan | Inker: Jim Amash
How did the Sword of Acorns come to be? Where’d the Crown of Acorns come from? What’s “The Source of All”? King Acorn explains all of this in this tale of how all these things came to be…

Sonic the Hedgehog # 059
Released: March 1998 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Opposites Detract
Script: Mike Gallagher | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Lisa Ieraci
The return of the strangest characters to ever grace the pages of Sonic: Horizontal and Vertical! Not seen since Sonic #4, Al and Cal are even more insane than they ever here. How do Sonic and Tails fit in this story? Let’s just say they have no choice in this matter but to be involved.

Tales Of The Freedom Fighters – The People’s Princess
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Manny Galan | Inker: Jim Amash| Colours: Ken Penders
Sally and her friends decide to take a little time off sky diving and after dinner, they return home happily. But King Acorn tells Geoffrey to escort Sally to him because he has something planned for her… the question is- “what?”

Sonic the Hedgehog # 060
Released: April 1998 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Arsenal Of The Iron King
Script: Frank Strom | Pencils: Jim Amash | Inker: Frank Strom | Colours: Barry Grossman
Sonic and Tails travel to the Eastern Provinces of Mobius and are asked to save the villagers from the wrath of someone called the Iron King. As they investigate, they come face to face with Monkey Khan. Why is he there? Whose side is he on?

Tales Of The Freedom Fighters – The Ultimatum
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Manny Galan | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Ken Penders
Also King Acorn requests something of Princess Sally. The result will be a shocker.

001-010 | 011-020 | 021-030 | 031-040 | 041-050 | 051-060 | 061-070 | 071-080 | 081-090 | 091-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-190 | 191-200 | 201-210 | 211-220 | 221-230 | 231-240 | 241-250


Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's,
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