001-010 | 011-020 | 021-030 | 031-040 | 041-050

Sonic Universe # 011
Released: December 2009 | Cover: Tracy Yardley Ben Hunzeker
Echoes of the Past Part 3
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jenson
New mysteries arise, along with new faces – both good and evil! But is everyone really who they say they are? It’s up to Knuckles to figure it all out and rescue Angel Island before it’s too late! This issue also features the long-awaited return of the Downunda Freedom Fighters and Knuckles’ most unlikely ally – Dr. Finitevus?!
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Sonic Universe # 012
Released: January 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley Ben Hunzeker
Echoes of the Past Part Four of Four
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jenson
This is it – the grand finale! Angel Island is about to be conquered, and our heroes are powerless to stop it, having been captured and at the mercy of the Dark Egg Legion! Will a last minute revelation save or doom our hapless heroes? It all ends with the fight you’ve been waiting for: Knuckles vs. Dr. Finitevus in a knock-down, drag-out, no holds barred ruckus! Don’t miss the explosive final chapter to Knuckles’ return to the spin-off scene!
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Sonic Universe # 013
Released: Febrility 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley and Ben Hunzeker
Journey into the East Part One: Endless Reach of Fate
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jenson
After a fierce battle with the Spider Ninjas, Sonic rescues Sally, Tails, and Monkey Khan from the Gossamer Clan Cave in which they’ve been imprisoned. Things get introspective as Sally blames herself for the recent turn of events, but when they all meet the Bride of the Endless Reach, our heroes realize they are in the middle of a much bigger picture than they thought! Ties into this month’s Sonic The Hedgehog #210.
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Sonic Universe # 014
Released: March 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley and Ben Hunzeker
Journey into the East Part Two: High Price for Rich Nights
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jenson
Having endured a fierce battle with the Spider Ninjas, Sonic and his friends must now face Bat Ninjas! While ambushes threaten around every corner, the intrepid heroes proceed on their journey to the temple under the firm resolves of Sally and Monkey Khan. Are these deadly skirmishes any match for the political chess games and machinations of war that lurk beneath the surface? Ties into this month’s Sonic The Hedgehog #211.
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Sonic Universe # 015
Released: April 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley and Ben Hunzeker
Journey into the East Part Three: No Love in a Conquering Storm
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jenson
The epic “Journey to the East” story arc continues! Sonic and Tails must confront Fiona and the Destructix – but whose side are these rogue mercenaries really on? The action heats up in an all-out assault on the Raiju Clan of Lynx Ninja and the return of a character pivotal to Sonic’s success!
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Sonic Universe # 016
Released: May 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley and Ben Hunzeker
A World Under Constant Vigil
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jenson
In this grand finale to the “Journey to the East” story arc, Sonic must confront the traitor to the Chaotix — Espio! But Sonic isn’t the only one in a face-off: Monkey Khan comes up against the enigmatic Bride of the Shinobi Clan, and a long-held secret is revealed! History unfolds, hidden traps are around every corner, and the fate of the world hinges on this final mission!
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Sonic Universe # 017
Released: June 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley and Ben Hunzeker
Trouble in Paradise Part One
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jenson
Tails takes the spotlight in this brand new adventure! The twin-tailed fox treats his friends Bunnie and Antoine to a long over-due honeymoon on the remote and idyllic Cocoa Island… but not remote enough to keep a brand new villainous force from spoiling the party! Who are these foul fowl? What do they want? And more importantly, will our heroes survive their first encounter with the fine-feathered fiends?!
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Sonic Universe # 018
Released: July 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley and Ben Hunzeker
Trouble in Paradise Part Two
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jenson
An island ablaze and a vacation turned disastrous – what’s a two-tailed fox to do?! Tails must fight impossible odds and the vengeful Speedy to rescue his friends! Can he do so before Bunnie succumbs to the dark side… or before Antoine makes a fatal mistake? You can’t afford to miss this thrilling installment!
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Sonic Universe # 019
Released: August 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley and Ben Hunzeker
Trouble in Paradise Part Three
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jenson
Things heat up in this island adventure, the penultimate installment of Tails’ exotic voyage! With Antoine’s ultimate fate revealed, Tails and Bunnie leap into action. As they prepare for an all-out assault on the Battle Bird Armada, the villains are setting their final trap. Will the brave duo foil the fiendish plot?
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Sonic Universe # 020
Released: September 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley and Ben Hunzeker
Trouble in Paradise Part Four
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jenson
Deep in the enemy base, Tails and his friends fight to survive the assault from the terrible Mole Mech! But even if they come out on top, do they stand a chance of escaping with their lives? Don’t miss the thrilling conclusion!
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001-010 | 011-020 | 021-030 | 031-040 | 041-050