OK, lets see if I can do some of this ‘community’ stuff, I mean other sites do it all the time how hard can it be?
I was quiet happily scurrying away working on tomorrows comic when Urtheart pointed me to an amazing piece of artwork Ram the Dragon had done to celebrate Christmas over at Etherial Online, except me being the social man that I am, I had completely missed it, that or I was drunk. Anyway hit the more link to get a look at this amazing picture.
Alright you got me, I’m only posting this because I’m in the picture (I’m the drunk one) I wounder where this idea that I’m a drunk came from? Thanks Ram and a belated merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and everyone at Etherial Online. Anyway I’ll try harder with this community stuff later, for now go visit Etherial Online… but not Sonic Wrecks because they’re the enemy!
Oh and Just in Time comic should be up shortly.
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