Posted by Urtheart, Feb.12, 2011, under EC Airwaves, Web Radio, Comments (2)

EC Airwaves will continue tomorrow despite there being no Vger around (he’s gone on Holiday) so Urth’s taking over again, with the help of Nemain.

This week, with it being Valentine’s day the next day we’re going to be doing the obvious topic, ZOMBIES!

Nemain might be a wee bit obssesed... we still luffs her

Join the two Zombie crew leaders as we relate some of the games with the rest of the new recruits and explain why Zombies is a pretty decent game, despite us not actually like CoD at all.
Even better, we hope to let you join in, and possibly have a spot prize or two for you lot.

Join us at 1900 GMT either on SSR or Livestream for at least an hour of pure madness.

EDIT: Yes, Spin, Urth is a total ghey and got stuck in a timewarp. I BLAME THE GOVERNMENT. ~ Nemain



February 12, 2011 at 9:06 pm

According to the title, we’re also taking a time warp to 2005 tomorrow as well.


February 12, 2011 at 10:17 pm

Good spot spin, blame my new job for that one.

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