Posted by Nemain, Mar.16, 2011, under Community, Competitions, Comments (2)

Valentine’s Day has come and gone and you guys all made us laugh hard with your entries, but did you ever consider what happened to the TSS lot on this most mushy of holidays?

Oh T, you heartbreaker.


It is our pleasure to announce the winners of our contest. In reverse order…


Victor and Keith amused us greatly with a comic strip of what might happen if Urth and Akhmin got into a photo booth together… With interesting results! Congrats you two – You’re getting an Archie Sonic comic each coming your way!


Sofia made us laugh heartily with her comic rendition of Urth and Akhmin at a karaoke bar. With more cameos than shite Sonic games released in the last 10 years, can you spot your favourite DtN character? Congrats, gal – You’re getting Sonic Mega Collection on the PC and a Japanese Sonic X plushie!

2ND PLACE (and booty prize winner): T.A. BLACK

T.A. wowed us with his extremely well written and amusing anecdote about Akhmin mand Urth’s (mis)adventures. We were really impressed by how well T.A. nailed the characters in the story, and he’ll be getting the “booty prize” from us as a result. What is the booty prize? Well, we’re not going to give it away here… But trust us when we say it’s awesome! đŸ˜‰


The effort Strata put into his entry is obvious from the first panel. He’s painstakingly sprited the EC crew and produced an absolutely fantastic mini adventure that had me laughing out loud. Congratulations man – You’re getting SASASR for the Wii, a Sonic figure and a joint commission from Urtheart and myself! Well done!

Thanks to everyone that entered, and congrats to the winners. We’ll be putting up the entries shortly for everyone to see, and we think you’ll like them as much as we did. Keep an eye on this space, there’ll be more contests soon…


T.A Black

March 16, 2011 at 10:06 pm

Wow – second place. Didn’t expect that, especially with the high calibre of people involved.

Well done to all the winners – looking forward to seeing the many entries for this.

Rush (Victor)

March 17, 2011 at 4:11 am

Cool. didnt think we would make it. Anyways congrats to everybody else.

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