Posted by ValorB, Nov.09, 2011, under Angry Fox, Comics, Comments (1)

I moved from North Carolina, USA to Maple Valley Washington, USA about Four Months back.  Had to come all the way back to North Carolina bout, 3 weeks ago, cause it would be cheaper for me to do my thing here and get going.

Somewhere in between I lost my Tablet Pen.  However, I had just gotten another and to celebrate, I immediatly set to work on this here strip playin’ some tunes to celebrate!

As always, leave any questions you’d like Jerry to answer in the Comments or at angeryfox[@]hotmail.com (without the brackets) under the heading ‘Ask Jerry’.

Also, pie.

1 Comment


November 10, 2011 at 5:44 pm

Did Jerry borrow that wrench from Vger? If so, how that he managed to get it? : P

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