Jerry has a special take on the whole Bronies 4 Lief craze thats going around.
Just so you know, I sat down and watched ALOT of MLP, mostly I really don’t watch TV anymore. I found it very funny. However, my view on the Brony thing wasn’t pleasant because of a particular encounter at a Toy Store that is mentioned in the comic.
The Daughter was purposely giving me the ‘Shoot me’ Look.
Now that I’ve watched it?
Pinky Pie is differently my favorite. >w>
…I have the sudden urge to play something graphically violent for some reason. Anyone else?
Max Firestorm September 5, 2011 at 5:52 pm |
Shadowbane2009 September 6, 2011 at 8:06 pm |
AAAAHHHH!!!! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE….This BADHOG IS GOING TO WAR…its us versus the entire land of rainbow unicorns. I call upon all villans to declare war on them. URTHEART fire up the heartless…Its time for the battle of Bronies Run!
Ein Eagle Vanato September 6, 2011 at 11:18 pm |
Hate to rain on ya parade Shadowbane, but you and urth have got to deal with me, vger and Tallguy at least before ya win teh war against us sonic-bronies XDDD