Posted by Vger, Jan.11, 2010, under News, Comments (0)

It seems that were finally going to find something about Project Needlemouse, but unfortunately it seems the community is going to have to work for it… oh god were doooomed!

Okay so what’s going on?

SEGA of America has created an image with potential playable characters in Needlemouse, however not all of them are going to make it, and each day this week SEGA is going to update the image showing rejections for the ones that haven’t made it. For Mondays image see above.

Now it seems that the number of characters eliminated each day is related to he number of correct answers SEGA receives for certain questions, and each day this week a new set of questions will be posted, so Mondays questions are as follows:

1: In Sonic 1, how many rings were needed at the end of an act to enter a special stage?
2: How many emeralds were in the original Sonic 1 for Genesis / Mega Drive?
3: What colours were these emeralds?

Hmm a nice easy start, but for those of you who don’t know go look it up and make sure you get it right we need 100 correct 3/3 answers!

So, go to the Sonic blog now and answer these as best you can in the comments section, and with a lot of luck we might get the community to do something useful for once, come on go now!

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