Posted by Vger, Aug.19, 2010, under Community, Comments (0)

Extralives.org, is holding a Sonic the Hedgehog game marathon this Friday, to help raise money for a charity called Water, but don’t take my word for it, Tim Troppoli the founder of Extralife explains it better in his own words.

Starting this Friday, August 20th at noon (Eastern Time), we’ll be conducting a Sonic the Hedgehog Marathon. In the spirit of Sonic, the broadcast will be formatted as a race with 2 screens side by side with each player trying to complete the game before the other. We’ll be playing all of the Sonic games from the main series ranging from the original Sonic the Hedgehog to the Adventure series to the hedgehog’s most recent outings on the current generation of consoles.

This marathon will be raising money for a nonprofit called charity: water, a charity that provides clean water to people in developing nations. They’re promised to keep track of the money we’ll raise and put it toward a specific project—our goal is to raise $5,000 to construct a well in a developing nation.

Every $5 donation enters the donor once in our raffle where we’re raffling off some ExtraLives.org t-shirts and Sonic the Hedgehog hats. We’ve also got a couple of prizes set aside for anyone who takes the time to make us some artwork– no donations necessary!

Sounds like a good watch, and it’s for a good cause so don’t forget to chip in.

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