Posted by Vger, Jul.04, 2011, under Community, News, Comments (2)

So out and about on my travels after Summer of Sonic I came across something interesting at at the gaming centre in the Trocadero. It seems that the Sonic Generations demo has been setup… with a steering wheel and pedal set…

Maybe it’s an early test by SEGA of alternate forms of control for Sonic… the steering wheel actually makes a bit of sense if you consider that they are designed to control fast moving object and Sonic does fall into the category. Maybe the pedals are the jump controls?

Or it could be that the controls are not connected and someone was just being industrious and making use of an un-used screen but that’s far less entertaining!



July 4, 2011 at 12:58 pm

Cyber Cafe? Arcade/Restraunt…hmmm now we can seriously put the pedal to the medal on him…woot! Or What did he say in that one ep of AoSTH comedy….fudge I’d have to look that one up…I swear he says No sweat for this shit…gimme a towel and watch it howl lol.


July 16, 2011 at 2:45 pm

If you ask me they should have more levels on the disc than what appears to be confirmed.
if you Don’t know what im talking bout look up the demo on sonic retro.
Apparently the main villans name is time eater

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