Posted by Vger, Jul.25, 2016, under Articles, Comments (2)

So yeah, that was a thing… the party itself seemed… like a thing. Let’s leave it at that and move onto the interesting stuff, the game announcements.

Yes that’s right I used the plural, we ended up with two game announcements.

Early on we got the announcement of Sonic Mania a new 2D sprite based Sonic game mixing up old and new levels in some sort of manic montage of nostalgia and newness. Check out the trailer below it looks good and will launch early 2017 so we don’t have long to wait. Coming to PS4, PC and Xbone.

I’ll admit this threw me, I was not expecting another 2D game, and it’s plugging straight into the nostalgia part of my brain so yeah I am happy.

Much later on we had what I was expecting, a big game announcement from Sonic team, Sonic Project 2017 which looks to be a continuation along similar lines of Sonic Generations in terms of graphics but not Sonic Generations 2 as I repeat from my earlier post, it’s not been long enough for them to justify another Sonic Generations game. Saying that it’s hard to speculate at the moment as so far we have only had a teaser trailer showing off modern and classic Sonic. Which don’t get me wrong looks good, but until I see more I’m on the fence, it could be the next Generations, or it could be the next 06, but one things for sure it’s not Sonic Adventure 3!

More wild speculation coming soon.



July 26, 2016 at 8:17 am

I am also still on the fence for the 3d one, but the sonic mania one looks nice. And hey, at least Sonic gets two games for his anniversary Megaman gets none and only a cartoon announcement with artwork released for it of which every fans agrees on is awful. And if you think of the fact that every Megaman game has been cancelled these past five years that’s pretty sour…: / Now let’s hope that Sega doesn’t screw up before the Sonic fandom turns sour to. .___.;


September 29, 2016 at 10:31 am

Sonic Mania looks great from the gameplay that we have seen so far, it’s a shame that the Collectors edition is so far a North America exclusive.

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