I’ve got to thank AaUK for finding this on youtube on Friday… although I really shouldn’t have played it at work since I didn’t know whether to burst out laughing or get some headache medication. Anyway what is this marvellous video? Well its a MikuMikuDance video which is some sort of craze over in Japan right now where they get this 3D character model to dance and sing along to music… simple enough right? Well it seems someone has done a Dreams of an Absolution version… yeah… have a play if you dare although I do suggest you turn down your speakers first.
I promise next weeks Sunday afternoon Sonic will be a lot less squeaky. More after the jump.
Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's, the grey Chaos Emerald (aka the evil one), magic and Wordpress. Sonic and all related characters are copyright of SEGA and Sonic Team and are reproduced here without their permission. For best results this site should be viewed with Firefox, however other browsers are supported.