Posted by Vger, Jan.17, 2012, under EC Updates, Comments (0)

I’ve been a busy little bee this evening, not only have I prepared tomorrows comic but I’ve also updated the Archie Sonic Universe archives to now include issues 31-36!



Posted by Vger, Jan.14, 2012, under EC Updates, Comments (0)

Just a quick update to let you lot know that I’ve just brought the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Archive up to date with full details and previews on issue 228 to 232 now available.

Next up on my to do list Sonic Universe updates.

Posted by Vger, Apr.05, 2010, under EC Updates, Comments (1)

It’s done! Issues 201 to 210 of Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog have been added to the archive.

Two hundred and ten issues worth of synopsis archived to Emerald Coast… wow this took a longer than I thought. The question now is whatever should I do next?

Fortunately I already have something lined up, I’ve just got to put some spit an polish on it and it will be ready to go. For now you can take guesses at what it is in the comments section… I promise not to make notes.

Posted by Vger, Feb.15, 2010, under EC Updates, Comments (0)

Okay I think I’ve finally run out of new and interesting ways to introduce the fact that I have just put up another set of ten issues worth of information, oh well another nine to go and then I’ll have to find something else.

Posted by Vger, Jan.11, 2010, under EC Updates, Comments (0)

It wouldn’t be Monday if I didn’t add a little more to the site, so have Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog 131-140, does anyone else detect a pattern emerging with these updates?

Posted by Vger, May.22, 2009, under EC Updates, Comments (0)

Recently I’ve been squirreling away on a few side projects for the site, hence the rather spartan updates recently, one of these that I’m launching today is the Archie Sonic comic archive project.

Ariche Sonic Comic Archive Project (ASCAP for short)

Ariche Sonic Comic Archive Project (ASCAP for short)

Now before people get started at me, yes I know other sites have done similar things in the past, but most of these seem to have fallen into a state of disrepair or are lacking in the latest information, So I thought why not do my own? (continue reading…)

Posted by Vger, Apr.26, 2009, under Community, Comments (0)

Yeah I know I didn’t do one of these last week but I was busy and didn’t have time to find anything good, that’s still the case but that doesn’t mean I haven’t got something for you this week.

Yesterday I was a guest on one of Darkspeeds ‘test shows’ on technoguild radio (a subdivision of Concept mobius… or something like that), we got up to the usual antics of talking about Sonic, the economy, war etc… the chat room wasn’t helping with topics by the point we started with the economy. Anyway one of the things we did during the show was a reading of Archies Sonic the hedgehog issue 168, and guess what I have a link to?

Ever wondered what this would sound like voiced by your fave Sonic community guys?

Ever wondered what this would sound like voiced by your fave Sonic community guys?

(continue reading…)

Posted by Vger, Apr.26, 2009, under Community, News, Comments (0)

Is it just me or has it been a really long week? I guess that’s what happens when you have taken a week off to relax and then have to go back to work again. Well at least the Sonic news front hasn’t been that slow.

Catch the Sonic, catch the Sonic, catch that Sonic now!

Catch the Sonic, catch the Sonic, catch that Sonic now!

(continue reading…)


Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's,
the grey Chaos Emerald (aka the evil one), magic and Wordpress. Sonic and all related characters are copyright of SEGA and Sonic Team and are
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