Posted by Vger, Feb.09, 2014, under News, Comments (0)

I couldn’t resist, EC News is back after a very long hiatus for a second season, new and improved with after effects (work in progress I’m still getting my head round this thing) and show notes because doing forty takes before I get it right is just annoying, saying that this still took about thirty takes.

Also I may have had a hair cut… and a shave since my last video deal with it.

Posted by Nemain, Jun.16, 2010, under Articles, News, Comments (0)

Video here.

Must admit to getting quite excited about this game. It seems to play exactly like Unleashed, just minus the Werehog. While Unleashed wasn’t a terrible game and the daytime stages were indeed excellent, the balance and contrast of Werehog to Sonic levels was a little jarring for most. Let’s hope that what we are seeing is reflective of the majority of the game and that there’s not another Werehog-esque gimmick lurking underneath the shiny exterior, yet to be seen by mortal eyes…

Source: Gametrailers

Posted by Vger, Feb.10, 2010, under Community, News, Comments (0)

Those lords of humour (and computer games) over at the Escapist have been at it again, this time putting an err… interesting spin on the recent history of Sonic.

Original story: Escapist News Network.

Posted by Vger, Apr.05, 2009, under Community, News, Comments (0)

I’ve made a slight format change this week to neaten things up a bit I think it’s worked, anyway have a read of this weeks news roundup. (continue reading…)


Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's,
the grey Chaos Emerald (aka the evil one), magic and Wordpress. Sonic and all related characters are copyright of SEGA and Sonic Team and are
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