And so ends the Severed Dreams plot line, next week we will be back to our usual antics with Sonic Tails and the… oh wait huh I seem to have written myself into a corner again, going to have to be inventive next week aren’t I?
Metal Sonic: You might know everything I’m going to do but that’s not going help you since I know everything you’re going to do…STRAAAAANNNGEEEE ISN’T IT! GEERRRRRAAAHHHH!!!!
Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's, the grey Chaos Emerald (aka the evil one), magic and Wordpress. Sonic and all related characters are copyright of SEGA and Sonic Team and are reproduced here without their permission. For best results this site should be viewed with Firefox, however other browsers are supported.