Posted by Vger, Feb.08, 2009, under News, Comments (0)

Were well into February now less than a week away from a dreaded Friday the 13th followed by the dreaded February 14th or is it just me? Anyway hit the jump for the weekly news round up.

Hey that's my tie...

Love the tie

Sunday 1st
Sonic Wrecks comes back with 6.0 and boy does it look good!

Monday 2nd
Ever heard of a Zeebo? No? I hadn’t either until this surfaced about the re-release of Sonic Adventure on this ‘console’ in Brazil, right time to book a trip to Brazil for some peculiar merch.

It also surfaced that a limited edition Blue vinyl promoting the Mega Drive ultimate collection with some classic SEGA tracks that was previously thought to only be available if you are lucky at winning competitions , well it seems that those lucky Australians (what again?) will be able to get a hold of one of these beauties if they pre-order from the right place. Still I don’t know what I’d do with it if I got one.

Tuesday 3rd
SEGA confirms a Summer 2009 Western release for the Prope developed game Lets Tap.

Yuji Naka is cited at SEGA Europe offices in London, feel honored that he’d visit this dreary little island, especially in the snow.

Wednesday 4th
Nothing new really I think, although I sometimes forget.

Thursday 5th
SEGA reveals that it has picked up the license to make games for the 2010 Vancouver winter Olympics, surely an announcement on another Mario and Sonic team up can’t be far off.

Friday 6th
The March issue of Nintendo Power previews Sonic and the Black Knight giving it the same score as the Wii version or Unleashed, not sure if that is good or bad.

Eurogamer somehow managed to get an extremely rare interview with Yuji Naka on lets tap and Sonic.

Saturday 7th
Gamestrailers shows off some of Sonic and the Black knight footage at the New York comic con.

Thanks to the Sonic Stadium, TSSZ News, and SEGA Nerds for there news coverage, news roundup will be back next Sunday.

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