First and Foremost; we learn that I can also use obscure references to things no one else reads! (wub u boss o3o )
On to NEWS. . . below.I’m gonna let the lot of you know that my job is being a pain and keeping me on the move. When I’m not moving I am working SO hard on Comix (remove Comix and place Video Games and Banging my head against the keyboard of my laptop).
In all seriousness, I just spent a day just trying to get this strip up; as well as deal with some problems with this old five year old system that really needs an overhaul of parts and software. Despite my problems with it, I love my old laptop. It even smokes at me sometimes! 8D
For those who follow me on Twitter and or my Deviant Art Account, you know what I’m planning to do. For those who don’t, I am going to be continuing the Innocent Mistake (as in the ‘Road the Heck is Paved with Good Intentions and Innocent Mistakes’ ) series into a new Arch and those who want to see Jerry berate people…I mean answer their questions…feel free to leave a comment beneath any of the strips I post with the phrase (Dear Jerry-) and I will see what I can do.
The Cast of Innocent Mistake will include the primary ‘Staff’ (as in the Characters) of the Emerald Coast, as well as many Guest Stars from the Sonic Community I can stuff into it like a Politician Stuffing a Ballot Box! My strips however will be delayed with my cross-country job doing and the fact that I am working on two literary things that do not involve the Emerald Coast; and will refrain from further description of said literary things on fear of being skinned alive by the Emperor of said Coast.
Regardless, I will be posting what I can as fast as I can. That is as soon as I’m done with Hitman. And maybe Skyrim: Dragonborn.
You know what? I blame Nemain for this.
PS – Also, just a side note; Lord Vger, I still have not gotten my Cupcakes. Just saying. :V
Vger November 18, 2012 at 11:53 am |