Posted by ValorB, Apr.12, 2013, under Angry Fox, Comics, Comments (1)

Firstly, I want to apologies again for the lack of updates from me.

Next, I have a ‘Basic Info’ for both Rina and Akhmin for the Emerald Coast Universe that all story archs are from.

I couldn’t get ahold of the Nemains, so the info of her character is subject to change, but regardless the world of Mobius the Emerald Coast exists on is the same universe ALL FAN CHARACTERS exist (in their own way); though the history is more along the lines of ‘after’ Eggman and all evil empires have been defeated by Sonic the Hedgehog.

More to come as I hammer it out. Enjoy the reads. 🙂

1 Comment


April 14, 2013 at 8:52 am

Heh, Akhmin description made me lol. XD

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