Posted by Vger, Aug.02, 2010, under EC Updates, Merch, Comments (1)

Okay, so I’m up to date with Sonic the Hedgehog, and Sonic Universe, so it’s time to start filling in some more of those gaps.

Unfortunately next on my list is the Sonic X comic series, I was very tempted to give this a miss as it is a truely terrible comic, no offence meant at the writers and artists they did the best job they could within the constraints of the Sonic X series it’s just well rubbish. So why not just give it a miss? Well I’m a completioinist, I have to have everything up to date and accurate otherwise I’m not happy, I guess that’s why I’ve collected so much rubbish over the years, anyway I’m getting off topic, here’s Archie’s Sonic X 1-10, read it if you dare.!

1 Comment


August 2, 2010 at 10:54 pm


….evvvvvvvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiil~ D:

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