Posted by Titans Creed, Jan.07, 2012, under Articles, Artist Ally, Community, Comments (2)

Aloha. Long time, no post from me, but I’m back, and bringing with me a new focus for Emerald Coast.

The Artist Alley will be focussing on some of those pieces of fan art and musical genius, that unless you look for it, you’ll very rarely see it.

Today’s piece is a piece called “Back to Basics”, if you follow me on Twitter, you would of seen me link this over the holiday period, and it was met by such a following, I thought I would place it on here, for a wider audience.

Back To Basics by ~Default-Deviant on deviantART

It’s a very Genesis era piece, and one, that I’m sure a lot of the nostalgia hogs will enjoy. the lighting effects, as well as it’s very basic premise, make it an amazing piece to behold.

If you want to see more of Default-Deviant’s work, and I STRONGLY suggest checking out his piece entitled Blue Spheres, you can click the link.



January 7, 2012 at 5:47 pm

This guy is freaking awesome TC, this was a good catch over the holidays, and its still worth seeing again. 83


January 8, 2012 at 2:12 pm

Oh ah fanart subject on EC me likey. : 3

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