Posted by Vger, Feb.03, 2010, under News, Comments (0)

If you lot are at all like me then, you will waste hours of your life trying to get achievements to add to a generic number which has absolutely no bearing or usefulness in real life, and what’s more you will enjoy doing it! Is there some innate pleasure in making a number larger? It doesn’t mean anything other than prove you have way too much time and money on your hands…

Is it just me or is Tails just a little out of proportion in this picture?

Well its time to start planning your play through of ASR as they have just posted the achievements list, I think this could be the one… the one where I finally get 1000 points in a game, hit the jump for the list.

True Blue: 10
Earn your BLUE SEGA License.
Amber De Amigo: 10
Earn your AMBER SEGA License.
Red Out: 15
Earn your RED SEGA License.
Virtual Bronze: 20
Earn your BRONZE SEGA License.
Captain Silver: 30
Earn your SILVER SEGA License.
Golden Acts: 80
Earn your GOLD SEGA License.
Now There Are No Limits!: 10
Win your first Grand Prix Cup.
Welcome to the Next Level!: 15
Win every race within a Grand Prix Cup.
To be this good takes AGES! 30
Win every Grand Prix Cup.
Fighters Megamix: 30
Take out an opponent with each character’s All-Star Move.
Time Stalker: 10
Set a Personal Best Time on any Time Trial course.
Clock Work: 30
Set a Personal Best Time on every Time Trial course.
Shadow Dancing: 10
Defeat a Staff Ghost on any Time Trial course.
Ghost Master: 30
Defeat a Staff Ghost on every Time Trial course.
Mega Driver: 10
Score AAA on any mission.
Crazy Box: 15
Pass every mission.
Magical Sound Shower: 30
Race to every piece of music.
Top of the Class: 30
Score AAA on every mission.
Dreamarena: 10
Play a friend over Xbox LIVE.
Racing Hero: 15
Win any race over Xbox LIVE.
Outrunner: 30
Lap a trailing player in a race over Xbox LIVE.
Death Adder: 30
Take out opponents with items one hundred times over Xbox LIVE.
Lucky Dime: 10
Purchase any item from the shopping menu.
High Roller: 15
Purchase every item from the shopping menu.
Classic Collection: 15
Win a race as each racer.
SEGA World: 30
Complete a race on each course in Grand Prix, Single Race or Time Trial mode.
Power Drift: 15
Perform a fifteen second Drift.
Turbo: 15
Perform twenty Turbo-Boosts within a single lap of any event.
Triple Trouble: 15
Perform three Tricks in one jump and make the landing.
Gaining Ground: 10
Get a Turbo-Boost Start in any event.
Wheels of Fire: 15
Perform a Turbo-Boost Start across 3 consecutive events.
Rolling Start: 15
Complete Sonic’s Test Drive.
Road Rampage: 15
Take out three opponents with one All-Star Move.
After Burner: 15
Take out three opponents with one triple-weapon.
Up ‘N’ Down: 10
Take out a racer by manually directing an item.
Streets of Rage: 15
Ram an opponent off the course without using a Weapon or Power-Up.
Wonder Boy: 15
Win a race by crossing the finish line in reverse.
Altered Beast: 10
Win a race while using an All-Star Move.
Last Survivor: 15
Finish the first lap in last position and go on to win the race.
Super Hang-On: 15
Win the race holding first place on each lap.
Project Rub: 15
Complete any Race event without collisions.
Enduro Racer: 15
Play one hundred events including any race, mission or time trial in any mode.
Ultimate Collection: 100
Earn every achievement in the game.

Secret Achievements

Secret Achievement 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

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