If you lot are at all like me then, you will waste hours of your life trying to get achievements to add to a generic number which has absolutely no bearing or usefulness in real life, and what’s more you will enjoy doing it! Is there some innate pleasure in making a number larger? It doesn’t mean anything other than prove you have way too much time and money on your hands…

Is it just me or is Tails just a little out of proportion in this picture?
Well its time to start planning your play through of ASR as they have just posted the achievements list, I think this could be the one… the one where I finally get 1000 points in a game, hit the jump for the list.
True Blue: 10
Earn your BLUE SEGA License.
Amber De Amigo: 10
Earn your AMBER SEGA License.
Red Out: 15
Earn your RED SEGA License.
Virtual Bronze: 20
Earn your BRONZE SEGA License.
Captain Silver: 30
Earn your SILVER SEGA License.
Golden Acts: 80
Earn your GOLD SEGA License.
Now There Are No Limits!: 10
Win your first Grand Prix Cup.
Welcome to the Next Level!: 15
Win every race within a Grand Prix Cup.
To be this good takes AGES! 30
Win every Grand Prix Cup.
Fighters Megamix: 30
Take out an opponent with each character’s All-Star Move.
Time Stalker: 10
Set a Personal Best Time on any Time Trial course.
Clock Work: 30
Set a Personal Best Time on every Time Trial course.
Shadow Dancing: 10
Defeat a Staff Ghost on any Time Trial course.
Ghost Master: 30
Defeat a Staff Ghost on every Time Trial course.
Mega Driver: 10
Score AAA on any mission.
Crazy Box: 15
Pass every mission.
Magical Sound Shower: 30
Race to every piece of music.
Top of the Class: 30
Score AAA on every mission.
Dreamarena: 10
Play a friend over Xbox LIVE.
Racing Hero: 15
Win any race over Xbox LIVE.
Outrunner: 30
Lap a trailing player in a race over Xbox LIVE.
Death Adder: 30
Take out opponents with items one hundred times over Xbox LIVE.
Lucky Dime: 10
Purchase any item from the shopping menu.
High Roller: 15
Purchase every item from the shopping menu.
Classic Collection: 15
Win a race as each racer.
SEGA World: 30
Complete a race on each course in Grand Prix, Single Race or Time Trial mode.
Power Drift: 15
Perform a fifteen second Drift.
Turbo: 15
Perform twenty Turbo-Boosts within a single lap of any event.
Triple Trouble: 15
Perform three Tricks in one jump and make the landing.
Gaining Ground: 10
Get a Turbo-Boost Start in any event.
Wheels of Fire: 15
Perform a Turbo-Boost Start across 3 consecutive events.
Rolling Start: 15
Complete Sonic’s Test Drive.
Road Rampage: 15
Take out three opponents with one All-Star Move.
After Burner: 15
Take out three opponents with one triple-weapon.
Up ‘N’ Down: 10
Take out a racer by manually directing an item.
Streets of Rage: 15
Ram an opponent off the course without using a Weapon or Power-Up.
Wonder Boy: 15
Win a race by crossing the finish line in reverse.
Altered Beast: 10
Win a race while using an All-Star Move.
Last Survivor: 15
Finish the first lap in last position and go on to win the race.
Super Hang-On: 15
Win the race holding first place on each lap.
Project Rub: 15
Complete any Race event without collisions.
Enduro Racer: 15
Play one hundred events including any race, mission or time trial in any mode.
Ultimate Collection: 100
Earn every achievement in the game.
Secret Achievements
Secret Achievement 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement: 15
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
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