Posted by Vger, Jul.21, 2016, under Articles, Comments (0)

As any self-respecting Sonic fan should know tomorrow Sonic is having a party in San Diego; now I would love to be going to this but my office for budgetary responsibility tells me I’m only allowed one trip to the states a year and I used that a few weeks ago, so instead I will stay home and play a bit of rumour control.


It has been announced that the future of Sonic the hedgehog will be unveiled at this event, so what does this mean? Let the speculation begin!

Well it’s got be a new game, right?
That’s pretty much a certainty we have been getting hints of a new game for a while now and with E3 behind us this seems like an ideal point to launch it, let’s not forget there has been a noticeable gap between the last major Sonic game and now.

So are we finally getting Sonic Adventure 3?
Ugh, are we STILL on about this? Sonic Adventure 3 was Sonic Heroes! Why? It was the first major game after SA2, it follows on chronologically from SA2, it takes the multiple playable characters aspect of SA1 and SA2 and puts a new spin on it, and has multiple stories woven into a larger story arc (see also SA1 and SA2), need I go on? Oh and for those that argue that Shadow the Hedgehog or Sonic 06 is technically SA3 I’d argue that neither of those have as much in common with SA1 and SA2 as Sonic Heroes did. Now can we finally take off our rose tinted glasses, put the nail in the coffin, and move on with our lives?

Sonic the Hedgehog 5?
I really hope not, for a start it wouldn’t constitute a major Sonic game in my book certainly when you look at what a major big budget game is nowadays, I also think people overestimate how well Sonic 4 actually did in the end, for an episodic game with only two parts, it barely qualifies as ‘episodic.’

Big’s Fishing Adventure?
Get out!

Sonic Generations 2?
Not really been enough time since the last one, and do you really want a game comerating Sonic Boom?

Something New?
I certainly hope so, it’s time for SEGA to take a bold step forwards with a fresh take on Sonic developed internally with love and care, which we have seen multiple times now from Sonic team, so if anyone can pull a rabbit out of the hat it’s them.

Okay now for a few quick dart board predictions:
– New game will feature Sonic
– Game will be for PS4/Xbone/next nintendo system or any combination of the three
– There will be a slight re-design of Sonic
– Tails will be along for the ride, who knows we might get Eggman as well
– Game will distance itself from Sonic Boom
– New game will hint at a series of games to come

That’s about all I can think of right now, leave comments below with your thoughts, and remember my thoughts and predictions are just that any relation to what is actually announced is purely coincidental.

For the lucky lot who are not going to the event there is a Livestream, starting 6pm PST 22nd July, or 2am BST 23rd July. Watch it here!

Posted by Vger, Jul.17, 2016, under Articles, Comments (0)

Summer of Sonic the UK based Sonic the hedgehog fan convention is now less than a month away so now seems like a good time to go through a quick rundown of what we know so far.

sos16_logo small

First of, for those of you attending make sure you have signed up to the Summer of Sonic hub, as this is where you will get the latest information on the event and it’s where your tickets will be distributed, backers should have had a few emails about this already so if you haven’t signed up yet dig out the email and sign up now. If you have lost your email then you can contact the Summer of Sonic team at support@summerofsonic.com

Now that the important stuff is out the way where and when is it?
Saturday 6th of August starting at 10am and running until 7pm, at the ILEC Conference Centre near Earls Court, for information on transport please check out this guide that has been put up on the SoS hub.

What’s Going on?
There has been a few announcements recently about what’s going on which I’ve listed below.
Nevermind the Buzzbombers Trivia Quiz
Crush 40 Performance
History of Summer of Sonic Pannel
Cosplay Contest

Tyson Hesse
Richard Burton
Deborah Tate
Duncan Gutteridge
James Wallis

Ferran Rodriguez
Richard Elson
Nigel Dobbyn

Mike Pollock
Johnny Gioeli
Takashi Iizuka
Jun Senoue

That’s it for now, I’ll try to keep this up to date as more information goes live.

Posted by Vger, Jun.23, 2016, under Articles, Comments (1)

Today Sonic the Hedgehog turns 25, it’s hard to imagine it’s been that long. Now Sonic is certainly not a great gaming icon now but for the generation I grew up in he was, Sonic formed a bit part of my life so I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who helped bring Sonic the hedgehog to us over the years in whatever form, your efforts have helped to enrich my life and that of so many others.

And long may it continue.

See you at Summer of Sonic

Posted by ValorB, May.30, 2016, under Angry Fox, Articles, Comics, Comments (0)

Someone asked what sort of Dad I modeled Jerry to be.

My reply?  The Best Kind.

(continue reading…)

Posted by Vger, Apr.01, 2016, under Articles, Comments (0)

Well I can offer you a few steps in the right direction.

1. Get a mop and bucket out of the cleaning closet, I know I have one around here somewhere.
2. Clean up the mess you’ve made of the site; I want this to look like how I designed this place 5 years ago.
3. And this is the most important one, GET the HECK off my property before I call Urtheart in with a plank so he can make you walk it!

I hope that helps… now if you excuse me I have a bottle of port to get back to… hmm I fancy something from 1968, that was a good year.

Posted by Donnie, Apr.01, 2016, under Articles, Comments (0)

That’s actually some really good advice, but where should I start?

Posted by Vger, Apr.01, 2016, under Articles, Comments (0)

I understand why you did this, but it’s much more satisfying to build something on your own rather than take over someone else work… even when they don’t update for periods of more than three months… huh wow has it really been that long?

If you really want to start up your own place then you should do it, I still have a great deal of pride in what I’ve done with this place even if I can’t spend the time on it I used to; yes there were long hours putting it together and building it but anything worth doing takes time and if you put the effort in you will get results. It just might be a bit more difficult now than it was when I started out.

Posted by Vger, Apr.01, 2016, under Articles, Comments (0)

Hmm, I see where you went wrong, horse tranquilizers don’t work on me, or at least they don’t work any more, if you want to get me to take a long nap you need to get me blind drunk… be warned though it’s getting very expensive, this second liver I had put in is both a blessing and a curse. Now then Donnie what have you been up to round here?

Posted by Donnie, Apr.01, 2016, under Articles, Comments (0)

Oh your awake? Well that is an inconvenience I thought I’d shot you full of enough horse tranquilizers to keep you out for at least a week!

Posted by Donnie, Apr.01, 2016, under Articles, Comments (0)

I’ve been sitting on this for a while now, and now that I have a website to call my own the time is right to publish.

A few weeks ago a SEGA employee contacted me to pass on some information about Sonic’s upcoming games. Now with it being Sonic’s 25th anniversary this year we’ve all been shall we say ‘disappointed’ by the games on show and more noticeably the games announced so far are not coming out of Sonic team, so what are Sonic team up to?

My source informs me that actually Sonic team have been working away for the last few years on a worthy successor to Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 a very tall order considering there cult status.  Sonic Adventure 3 according to my source will;

Bring together all of your favorite characters from the Sonic universe; including some that have not been seen for a very long time; com bringing them into teams to defeat Eggman’s Egg fleet, or investigate a case, or find the truth of one of your teams existence. Each team has there own story similar to Sonic adventure 2 which leads to them all coming together for one big battle, a must for any Sonic fan.

The next game on the horizon or Sonic Adventure 4 is billed as follows;

Following on from the ending of Sonic Adventure 3, this game has taken a darker tone it follows a character from the Sonic universe as he has to decide which side he’s on during an alien invasion.

Interesting stuff, stay tuned to Donnie Coast for more news as I get it.


Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's,
the grey Chaos Emerald (aka the evil one), magic and Wordpress. Sonic and all related characters are copyright of SEGA and Sonic Team and are
reproduced here without their permission. For best results this site should be viewed with Firefox, however other browsers are supported.