Posted by ShadowFox, Sep.14, 2012, under Comics, Feedback Loop, Comments (3)

Unable to catch the assailant, you run back to Tails to see if there’s anything you can do. Alas, it’s too late.

Posted by ShadowFox, Jul.23, 2012, under Comics, Feedback Loop, Comments (3)

Dartanian says:
Chase after the assassin!

You chase after the assassin, yet as fast as you go he always appears to be just out of reach.

Posted by ShadowFox, Jun.24, 2012, under Comics, Feedback Loop, Comments (4)

Scientific Genius:
Just when you try to recruit him, he is shot with an arrow in the back by an anonymous assasin.



Before you can ask him if he wants to join you, he is shot by an Anonymous assassin. What they have against him, I have no idea.

Posted by ShadowFox, Jun.10, 2012, under Comics, Feedback Loop, Comments (6)

After the show you catch up with this interesting fox.  You exchange a hello and introduce yourselves.  He says to call him Tails.

What happens next?

Posted by ShadowFox, Jun.04, 2012, under Comics, Feedback Loop, Comments (4)

And thus, as it was told, from above the stage the Fox flew down without a scratch on him.

(Feel free to start shouting ideas from this point on, this end next update and we’ll be back to random stuff)

Posted by ShadowFox, May.20, 2012, under Comics, Feedback Loop, Comments (3)

He finishes the course perfectly, without a scratch or burn on him.  A flawless run… almost.

Posted by ShadowFox, May.13, 2012, under Comics, Feedback Loop, Comments (1)

A quick backflip through the ring of fire and he’s almost reached the end of the course.

Posted by ShadowFox, May.06, 2012, under Comics, Feedback Loop, Comments (2)

With quick reflexes, the Fox jumps out onto the stage, over the Spikes and slides right under the saw blade.

Posted by ShadowFox, Apr.22, 2012, under Comics, Feedback Loop, Comments (1)

The voices in your head have a small argument, with the voices for the Invincible Fox coming out on top 4-1-0.

When you enter the hall, the stage appears to set up as some sort of deadly obstacle course with someone just off stage preparing.

(No questions, mini Story Arc time)

Posted by ShadowFox, Apr.14, 2012, under Comics, Feedback Loop, Comments (5)

Biafra Republic says:

Take in a show with George!

You expect to be completely broke by the end of the day, so might as well take in a show now.  Looks like you found the side acts theatre.  There’s a small list of main acts but there are a few more acts available.  What to see?


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