Posted by Vger, Aug.15, 2012, under Comics, Other Comics, Comments (11)

Okay I’m claiming a ten hour work day has left me without any comic ideas… which seems fair right? Today’s guest comic comes from EC staff member Nemain.

(continue reading…)

Posted by Vger, Apr.23, 2012, under Comics, Other Comics, Comments (0)

Something a little different I think…

(continue reading…)

Posted by Vger, Apr.04, 2012, under Comics, Other Comics, Comments (1)

Today’s guest comic has everything, alcohol, lightning, Azure (yes her! Anyone still remember her?) oh and me! Once again a big thank you goes out to Emerald Haze for the guest comic.

Also I suck at coming up with comics… that is all!

Posted by ShadowFox, Apr.01, 2012, under Comics, Other Comics, Comments (0)

Should I just pack my things and leave now?


Vger Edit: Oh no, that would be letting you off easy.

Posted by Vger, Mar.27, 2012, under Comics, Other Comics, Comments (1)

I got some awesome artwork from Emerald Haze a few days back, that I just had to share with you all. Check it out here! This is actually based of the Sonic Shorts comic found here… my god people are doing fan art of my comics… which is in itself fan art… my god how deep will the rabbit hole go?

Posted by Vger, May.04, 2011, under Comics, Other Comics, Comments (5)

There seems to be a disturbance in the Sonic community, more and more Sonic fans are falling under the influence of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (that sub-title is very important it seems)… as this disease spreads it seems that even Emerald Coast is not immune to it’s effects thanks to a ShadowFox04 we now have a guest comic featuring our resident loon and what I’m reliably informed is the My Little Pony loon… Pinky, and it seems the result is cupcakes… yummy.

Posted by Vger, Mar.23, 2011, under Comics, Other Comics, Comments (2)

The next Just in Time comic is taking a little longer than expected, so I’ve not managed to get it ready for today, and with the amount of work I have on at the moment theres a possibility it won’t be done by next week, but I will try to have it done by then.

In the meantime have a guest comic from regular contributor Hogfarther!

Posted by Urtheart, Mar.20, 2011, under Comics, Competitions, Other Comics, Comments (0)

Our last entry by Strata definitely deserves its first place spot, hand made sprites, absolutely hilarious script, loads of references, and the tip of it all, Nemain’s T x Dread request (which was also featured in Sofia’s entry). Enjoy guys!

And congratulations to our grand winner, well deserved and I think we shall remember this one for a while!

Posted by Urtheart, Mar.18, 2011, under Comics, Competitions, Other Comics, Comments (1)

Sofia aka Ram the Dragon gave us an epic piece, so epic we can’t fit it on one page, but how many cameo’s can you name?

Congratulations, again we’ll ship these first class heartless style to you (hopefully getting there a little sooner than the last thing I sent… Vger can you post this one?)

Vger EDIT: comic image sizes have been fixed so they don’t break page.

Posted by Urtheart, Mar.17, 2011, under Comics, Competitions, Other Comics, Comments (0)

Our first entry into the fray shows us the claustrophobic nature of Urtheart when in the proximity of anything other than bewbs, made 115 times worse when Akhmin is around.
Congratulations guys, this was the 2nd entry we received and gave us a good laugh, we’ll send you an email asking about where to send your prizes soon.


Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's,
the grey Chaos Emerald (aka the evil one), magic and Wordpress. Sonic and all related characters are copyright of SEGA and Sonic Team and are
reproduced here without their permission. For best results this site should be viewed with Firefox, however other browsers are supported.