Posted by Vger, Jun.08, 2020, under Community, News, Other, Comments (1)

For those of you in the know, ‘The British Andy’ and ‘TitansCreed’ have been doing an annual race playing through classic and modern Sonic games to raise money for Special Effect Charity.

2020 is no different, the date of June the 19th starting at 12 am PDT / 2am CDT / 3am EST / 8am BST, for about 14 hours the returning on the 20th and perhaps even the 21st if they meet one of there donation goals.

This race also includes donation ‘incentives’ to torture… I mean help… your favorite player from losing a life to oven mitts… and oh so much more.

If you can’t wait for the big day then you can support them now by heading on over to Steam labs to invest in some fine swag designed by ‘Ram the Dragon,’ items will be available until July the 5th but best to snap them up now to push The British Andy and TitansCreed closer to those ‘special incentives.’

You’ll be able to watch this event live on twitch from The British Andy and TitansCreed account, and who knows who might turn up to turn the thumbscrews… I mean cheer… yes definitely cheer them on.

Posted by Vger, Jan.01, 2016, under Community, Other, Comments (0)

Ugh… what year is it? 2016? D*%) it! I miscalculated… well this should be easy enough to fix… wait what do you mean your out of fuel, I knew I shouldn’t have cannibalised the Mr. Fusion for parts. There again those dinosaurs were really hungry. Looks like I’m stuck here for a while then, lets see what my guide says for 2016… oh… oh dear, well at least I have that to look forward to. In the meantime there was that thing I did a while back… should actually be coming out today yeah I’ll post a link to that.

A month or so ago Urtheart; the crazy fool that he is; did a lets play of Sonic 2 (8 Bit), and then two other crazy people joined him to comment on it; I was one of those crazy people (the other being AAUK) so I felt it was appropriate to post it here.

Check out more videos from Last minute Continue by visiting the youtube channel. Alternatively visit the website here… people still visit websites right they hypernet hasn’t been invented yet right?

Oh and for those who are wondering yes that is port.

Also happy New Year.

Posted by ValorB, Feb.14, 2015, under Angry Fox, Articles, Comics, Community, EC Updates, Other, Comments (0)


Ladies, Gentleman, Die in a Fire,
May I present you
Bottom of the Barrel

Chapter 7) Uncle Jay
(continue reading…)

Posted by ValorB, Nov.19, 2014, under Angry Fox, Articles, Comics, Community, EC Updates, Other, Comments (0)

Ladies, Gentleman, Akhmin.
May I present to you;

Bottom of the Barrel
(continue reading…)

Posted by ValorB, Aug.12, 2014, under Articles, Community, EC Updates, Other, Comments (1)

My tablet pen broke as it heroically jumped in the way of an 18 Wheeler attempting to crush a butterfly.

Tragically neither of them made it.
Warnings. WORDS. 😀


(continue reading…)

Posted by Vger, Jan.19, 2014, under Community, Other, Comments (0)

So I’ve decided to try something new this year, I’ve gone and opened a new tumblr account, Ask Engie Vger the idea being you or at least those of you with tumblr accounts send questions (not necessarily engineering related) and I will answer them in amusing ways, simple really, so follow and start sending questions! You have your orders now GO!

Ask Vger

Posted by Vger, Dec.08, 2012, under Community, Other, Comments (0)

We have a special treat for you this afternoon, straight from the great video archives of our partner’s in crime over at Sonic Wrecks, we have a very special video, Cooking with Vger!

In my defence we had actually spent two hours trying to light the BBQ, which I spent drinking so by the time filming started… yeah.

Posted by Vger, Sep.09, 2012, under Articles, Community, Other, Recommendations, Comments (0)

Well SAGE has been and gone for this year… wait what the heck is SAGE? SAGE for the for those that don’t know is the Sonic Amateur Gaming Expo where fans show off there fan game creations (or a book keeping software, don’t ask how I know that). Most of the time these expos can consist of some truly innovative and entertaining ideas for games to some awful pieces of s**t that should never see the light of day, ( I’m afraid the latter is true more than the former). Anyway I’m getting side tracked (that may be Port related) SEGA Driven esteemed collogue in the Sonic community and affiliate of Emerald Coast has put together a video showing off some of the best of this years SAGE so watch it… NOW!

Posted by Vger, Sep.05, 2012, under Community, Other, Comments (0)

The community spotlight is back this time highlighting Jamie Egge Mann and Tanner Bachnick, otherwise known as Discoponies and Tanner, who you all will more vastly know, as the folks at The Sonic Show.

Posted by Vger, Aug.15, 2012, under Community, Other, Comments (0)

The community spotlights continue, this time straying a little bit from the Sonic core into the amazing world of Nights, or more specificly the long running fan site Nights into Dreams (also long time affiliate of Emerald Coast). What’s that? You don’t know what Nights is? ‘Sigh’ just watch the video, NOW!


Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's,
the grey Chaos Emerald (aka the evil one), magic and Wordpress. Sonic and all related characters are copyright of SEGA and Sonic Team and are
reproduced here without their permission. For best results this site should be viewed with Firefox, however other browsers are supported.