Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog 131-140

001-010 | 011-020 | 021-030 | 031-040 | 041-050 | 051-060 | 061-070 | 071-080 | 081-090 | 091-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-190 | 191-200 | 201-210 | 211-220 | 221-230 | 231-240 | 241-250

Sonic the Hedgehog # 131
Released: December 2003 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Ken Penders

Home (Part 2 of 4): The Gathering
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Ron Lim | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jensen
Continuing the saga of the four-part epic, the threat of nuclear annihilation by Dr. Robotnik and his new minions looms large, so Sonic, the citizens of the Kingdom of Acorn and Station Square must ready themselves to strike the Eggman Empire before it’s too late! With stakes this high, everyone joins the battle lines. Don’t miss this nail-biting instalment-it could be the last!

Mobius 25 Years Later – Prologue
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Ken Penders | Colours: Jason Jensen
Due to the overwhelming popularity of the visions of the future that have graced our pages in the past (pun intended), we proudly present a new regular feature: “Mobius: 25 Years Later.” This far-flung-futuristic feature fast-forwards you to the future of our favourite characters… and their kids! What fates await our esteemed champions? The first instalment gets off to a thrilling start with a future character most readers are familiar with: Lara-Su, Knuckles’ daughter… and she’s preparing for a special ceremony! Pick up this issue and find out just what she’s preparing for.

Sonic the Hedgehog # 132
Released: January 2004 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante and Nelson Ribeiroh

Home, Part 3 – A.D.A.M. & Evil
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Dave Manak | Inker: Michael Higgins | Colours: Jason Jensen
Sonic, Knuckles and the entire Kingdom of Acorn launch a two-pronged defence against the forces of Eggman’s Empire. As usual, Dr. Robotnik (a.k.a. Eggman) has a few tricks up his sleeve to keep his foes from winning the day. And then there’s Shadow and a stash of deadly weapons…

Mobius: 25 Years Later – The Unveiling
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Ken Penders | Colours: Jason Jensen
Our popular look at the future lives of Sonic’s friends and foes continues! This time, Lara-Su undergoes the female echidna coming-of-age ceremony. As Knuckles’ daughter, this is a very big deal – everyone on the island is invited. Will Lara-Su be able to deal with her insecurities? Also, if he’s not here for the ceremony, just why has Rotor come to see Knuckles?! You won’t want to miss this intriguing instalment!

Sonic the Hedgehog # 133
Released: February 2004 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Nelson Ribeiro

Home, Part 4: Finale
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jensen
The final chapter of Sonic’s eventful return home! His family and friends thought he was dead but now he’s back – and in the fight of his life with Robotnik’s mysterious henchman, uh, woman, Mecha! Are the Mobians in danger losing Sonic again?! Meanwhile, Knuckles and the Freedom Fighters make their final stand against the Warbots on the wasteland in front of Robotropolis!

Mobius: 25 Years Later – Midnight In The Garden
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Ken Penders | Colours: Jason Jensen
Knuckles and Rotor have a serious summit over developments on the planet, which could spell doom for the whole planet.

Sonic the Hedgehog # 134
Released: March 2004 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Nelson Ribeiro

Home, Epilogue: Say You Will
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Jon Gray | Inker: Michael Higgins | Colours: Jason Jensen
The poignant aftermath to this epic tale’s climactic finale. With the present crisis abated last issue, Sonic finally has the chance to catch up to those near and dear to him, especially one Princess Sally Acorn.

Mobius 25 Years Later – In Transit
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Ken Penders | Colours: Jason Jensen
The series continues as Lord Rotor returns to the Kingdom of Knothole, while Knuckles consults with the Brotherhood of Guardians at Haven II.

Sonic the Hedgehog # 135
Released:April 2004 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Nelson Ribeiro

Agent of K.N.O.T.H.O.L.E.
Script: Romy Chacon | Pencils: Ron Lim | Inker: Nelson Ribeiro | Colours: Jason Jensen
Sonic receives a mysterious message prompting him to travel incognito to meet someone in the middle of the Eggman Empire… someone who should be dead! Can this be a trap?

Script: Romy Chacon | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jensen
Dr. Robotnik has a new enemy to contend with, and it isn’t Sonic. This enemy has left a special present for Robotnik and signed it… you guessed it… “Anonymous”!

Mobius: 25 Years Later – Dealing With the Devil
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jensen
The next exciting instalment of our popular series of tales depicting “Mobius: 25 Years Later” continues!

Sonic the Hedgehog # 136
Released: May 2004 | Cover: Patrick Spaziante and Nelson Ribeiro

The Infiltrator
Script: Romy Chacon | Pencils: Art Mawhinney | Inker: Andrew Pepoy | Colours: Jason Jensen
Sonic looks forward to a well-needed rest after a strenuous, nerve-racking adventure, but gets anything but rest. As he sleeps, his life is in grave danger, and his father, Jules, does what any father would – at a heavy price.

Mobius: 25 Years Later – Girl Talk
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jensen
The latest in a series of tales depicting “Mobius: 25 Years Later” finds Queen Sally and Julie-Su trying to figure out a way for their husbands and kids to get along during an upcoming visit. Easier said than done!

Script: Romy Chacon | Pencils: Ron Lim | Inker: Nelson Ribeiro | Colours: Jason Jensen
Knuckles decides to disobey the King and take matters into his own hands by freeing Angel Island on his own. Will his lack of patience be his own downfall?

Sonic the Hedgehog # 137
Released: June 2004 | Cover: Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante

Robo-Dyne Systems
Script: Romy Chacon | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jensen
Without the consent of the King, Sonic and the Freedom Fighters infiltrate the centre of the Eggman Empire deep in the technological monstrosity of Megaopolis. However, they are not there to take down Robotnik’s latest scheme, but rather to save a friend.

Mobius: 25 Years Later – Trouble in Paradise
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jensen
The popular “Mobius, 25 Years later” saga continues! King Sonic, Queen Sally and their kids make the journey to visit Knuckles, Julie-Su and Lara-Su on Angel Island… but some of them are not happy with it! Is there trouble in paradise?

One Part Ooh-La-La, and Two Parts Treachery!
Script: Romy Chacon | Pencils: Al Bigley | Inker: Michael Higgins | Colours: Jason Jensen
As Antoine get ready for his new assignment, he remembers a simpler time dealing with the loves of his life. It’s a lesson in romance he has never forgotten. But will it help him now?

Sonic the Hedgehog # 138
Released: July 2004 | Cover: Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante

Return to Angel Island (Part 1 of 4): The Message
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Jon Gray | Inker: Michael Higgins | Colours: Jason Jensen
Sonic, Knuckles and the Chaotix go back to the magical island to find it a far worse place than last seen. Overrun by Robotnik, Dingos and the Dark legion, one can only wonder: have the Guardians faltered and can the island ever be the same?! Find out in this epic tale!

Mobius: 25 Years Later – My Dinner with Sonic
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jensen
The popular “Mobius, 25 Years later” saga continues! When old, friendly nemeses sit down for what’s supposed to be a cordial meal, it seems like there’s less humble pie on the menu than steamed egos!

Sonic the Hedgehog # 139
Released: August 2004 | Cover: Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante

Return to Angel Island (Part 2 of 4): Avatar
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Jon Gray | Inker: Michael Higgins | Colours: Jason Jensen
Sonic, Knuckles, and The Chaotix not only go face-to-face with the deadly Dark legion, but must contend with a slew of old and new faces as well! The action never lets up in this frantic tale!

Mobius: 25 Years Later – Slumber Party
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jensen
The popular “Mobius, 25 Years Later” saga continues! Lara-Su, Sonia and a couple of Lara-Su’s friends have a sleepover while Sonic and Sally are on Angel Island. Naturally, Manik can’t help but make a pest of himself. Meanwhile, more hints of the approaching danger are revealed!

Sonic the Hedgehog # 140
Released: September 2004 | Cover: Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante

Return to Angel Island (Part 3 of 4): How Many Echidnas Does It Take to Protect a Master Emerald?
Script: Karl Bollers | Pencils: Jon Gray | Inker: Michael Higgins & Andrew Pepoy | Colours: Jason Jensen
The struggle to free Angel Island from the Evil Dr. Robotnik and protect the Master Emerald continues! Can Sonic, Knuckles and The Chaotix stand together, or will their petty differences divide them? Meanwhile, the fate of the Guardians hangs in the balance!

Mobius: 25 Years Later – A Difference of Opinion
Script: Ken Penders | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Jim Amash | Colours: Jason Jensen
When King Sonic and the Guardian Knuckles have a late night discussion of the possible end of Mobius, much of the “past” is revealed in the future! Don’t miss their surprising predictions in this far-flung tale!

001-010 | 011-020 | 021-030 | 031-040 | 041-050 | 051-060 | 061-070 | 071-080 | 081-090 | 091-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-190 | 191-200 | 201-210 | 211-220 | 221-230 | 231-240 | 241-250


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