Just a note to remind everyone that EC Airwaves is on this Sunday at it’s usual time of 7pm UK time, only on SSR (until it’s archived here), and if you are feeling adventurous listen in via the livestream here and watch Urtheart draw… err something.
Oh and if you missed the live goodness that is EC Airwaves then you can now download it right here! Courtesy of the awesome Sonic Wrecks.
Not much really to say about this episode other than to expect more EC Airwaves in the coming weeks.
T.A Black March 12, 2011 at 8:42 pm |
Quick query – will the EC show be podcastable via RR (like through iTunes), or will it only be a seperate download from the site itself?
Vger March 12, 2011 at 8:50 pm |
That’s a good question, I will be looking into to sorting that out.