Just a friendly reminder to all out there (not that you needed reminding as I am sure all of you have taken the necessary precautions against the madness already, such as FLEEING THE INTERNETS) that The Great EC SSR Clusterbuggery ™ is tonight at 9pm GMT, right after Turbo Drive Live. To tune in, simply go here and click on Listen, or join us in the SSR Java chatroom accessible from the SSMB boards at the top right of the page.
Some of you may have noticed that I tend to update DtN around about now on a Friday. Unfortunately despite me starting the comic last Friday, I have not worked on it since and it remains unfinished as the time before I travel up north diminishes ever more quickly… If possible, I will attempt to finish it before the show and may well give the IRC first dibs on seeing the new comic if they nuke Scotland in my absence. For now, have a preview sketch. What’s going on? Wouldn’t you like to know…

Hogfather November 5, 2010 at 12:53 am |
Blondie November 5, 2010 at 4:20 pm |