Quick note before the latest Feedback Loop, you may have noticed that it’s updates have been rather lax from me, I’d like to continue but I find I’m too tired most evenings. However never fear the awesome Shadow Stalker04 has offered to help out. So feel free to thank the man on twitter. Now on with the show!
Biafra Republic says: Collect one of the rings, then return to deal with the TV.
Upon closer inspection, the ring appears to be floating by itself. Suddenly you wish you had actually stayed awake in science class at school… or for that matter gone to school in the first place.
comiccommentor February 18, 2012 at 3:26 pm |
Biafra Republic February 19, 2012 at 4:05 pm |
Try grabbing the spinning ring, as you’re a blue hedgehog with a top speed of Mach 5 and the laws of physics typically do not apply… pillock…