After two weeks of hard work I finally finished it on Monday, and I think I outdid myself again, although I can still see room for improvement as always.
Hit the more button for a preview and a ‘the story so far’ bit, I felt it would help some of our newer readers who have just come to the site, plus I sometimes need to remind myself of the plot.
The story so far (I’ll try to keep this short):
Okay theirs this bad guy which Sonic has nicknamed Bob, who helped Amy to get Sonic by brain washing him. It worked for a while until Tails managed to get Amy to break up with Sonic and un-brainwash Sonic. However Bod didn’t just brainwash Sonic he put a neural clone in his head which of course only Sonic can see and briefly took control of Sonic last year. Bob then in exchange for giving Sonic control of his body back said Sonic had to leave him alone to finish his work and make sure the rest of Sonic’s friends didn’t bother him. Since then the Amy neural clone has only surfaced breifly to annoy Sonic, during this Tails and Shadow noticed there was something wrong with Sonic and decided to do some tests which is about where this comic follows on… that is if you are still paying attention, I know I gave up half a paragraph ago.
Anyway enjoy the comic.

And now with luck I have addicted you to Just in Time!
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