Exams have a habit of getting in the way… Expect a DtN update next week, hopefully with something a bit more awesome to make up for the lack of update this week!
Once again the Nemain has been merch hunting and has hooked something most excellent to share with you guys…

Isn’t this the most wonderful packaging job you’ve ever seen?
A parcel arrived for me today from Ebay, and naturally I was rather excited. Upon opening the package and spraying bits of paper and brown tape everywhere, the most wonderful packaging job I’ve ever seen greeted me. I didn’t ask the seller to do this (though from past experiences I really should remember to do so), so I was extremely pleased before even turfing out the parcel to reveal its contents…

Bet you wish you’d picked up more of them when they were a quid each too.
One full set of Sonic TOMY figures from 1992, still boxed and very near case fresh condition. Huzzah! I used to have these when I was younger… Unfortunately the curse of a mother sorting out the things she thought I’d grown out of struck, and they were thrown out. Nearly 18 years later, I once again have them in my collection (and boxed no less!). I did recently get another Robotnik boxed but sadly it was sent in just brown paper… So you can imagine my dismay when I received the parcel!
These are appreciating quite rapidly in value now due to demand from the USA for classic Sonic merch, so if you ever see these floating about or you have some, keep hold of them!
HelenBaby May 21, 2010 at 7:36 pm |
Shadzter May 21, 2010 at 11:34 pm |
Nice merch, remember these in the shops back in the Mega Drive days.
Off topic: This site needs more people commenting, Vger works hard on this place and does a good job 😀
Shadzter May 21, 2010 at 11:34 pm |
Vger May 22, 2010 at 7:48 am |
Nemain May 22, 2010 at 6:53 pm |
I’ll let you slide this time, Shad… But Urth may still yet make ye walk the plank, landlubber! =P
Seriously though, it’s true! Vger puts so much into updating the site and keeping everything running. The odd comment or two hardly takes any time and means a lot when you do so much behind the scenes. =)