Posted by Vger, Jan.11, 2009, under Comics, Comments (0)

Alright I’ve done my checks and everything seems to be working at the moment, I know it doesn’t look like I’ve done that much since none of the actual comic pages have changed yet but its something I would have done if this redesign didn’t take so long.

Right I’m sure your all sick on tired of me going on now and actually want some new content, well I’m not one to disappoint I have a brand new Sonic Short for you to enjoy.

Today’s Sonic Short is a bit of very sad news, OK I lie its about some very good news, the Archie Sonic X comic series has officially ended! I picked up the last comic earlier this week and now I can consign the whole thing to the depths of my basement where badly written comics go to die (I wounder when Just in Time will get put there?).

As you can now guess their is no love from me towards that comic, it was badly written with cheesy plots and ‘lessons’ at the end of it. I suppose it was aimed at the younger Sonic fan not the obsessive compulsive Sonic fans in their 20’s but that still didn’t stop it being canned.

Not to worry though those fans who will actually miss this comic… they’re always some poor deluded souls… a new comic series from Archie will be starting up next month called Sonic Universe, which looks a lot less pants.

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