Posted by Vger, Jul.24, 2010, under Community, News, Comments (3)

Well it’s been a busy few weeks in the run up to Summer of Sonic (only two more weeks!) so now seems like as good a time as any to have a run down of the recent announcements of what’s going on there.

Firstly we had the big one, Crush 40 will be there to sing, sign and answer all those questions you have been meaning to ask him for the last decade, so yeah I think that’s enough to get pretty much every Sonic fan in the country there, but what if your one of the ones still on the fence? Well there’s plenty more on offer.

Also present will be Nigel Dobbyn, who will once again be signing and drawing sketchs.

Game demos of almost all the new Sonic games coming soon from SEGA, including Sonic 4, and Sonic colours for the Wii and DS. Oh and an Allstars Racing tournament can’t forget that.

Goodie bags! Filled with Sonic goodness galore including a SOS lanyard, a drawstring bag to hide your merch, a Free comic book day Archie Sonic comic, and a brand new First 4 Figures figure in the form of Metal Sonic.

Now with those kinds of offers how can you resist, and lets not forget this event is completely free entry so all you have to do is sign up for a ticket, but do it quickly as places are going very fast!



July 24, 2010 at 12:00 pm

You forgot the free Archie comic, Nigel Dobbyn and the ASR tournament :p How could you vger? *sad face* J/k lol!


July 24, 2010 at 4:11 pm

Updated, to include the things I missed, thanks Shadzter!


July 25, 2010 at 3:49 am

I wish I could go. :C

I a poor american jack-hole.

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