Hi there it’s Tails here, Vger is a bit busy ‘recovering’ (aka being lazy) from Summer of Sonic at the moment, so he asked me to fill in for a bit and write up part one of SoS 2009, so here goes nothing.
Vger kindly offered to be my escort for Summer of Sonic since technically I’m still under age according to SEGA, bah what do they know?
Nice view, shame about the company
We travelled down to London early Friday morning, so that the slave monkeys could relax a little in London together and catch up on good times before they had to go to work making SoS happen on the Saturday. Upon arriving we met up with Urtheart who I think occasionally posts here but I can’t be sure since I haven’t seen anything recently, Turbo from the SSR show Turbo Drive Live (obviously), Blake Draco, and Becky aka Echo Hawk from Sonic Wrecks no idea what she does there though. From the station it was a quick walk to the Euston Flyer, the place to hang out when your a Sonic fan in London, don’t know why though it looks like every other over priced pub in London to me.
I think its a bit too big
After a quick few drinks, Blake and Becky made an exit and the rest of us made for out hotel room just up the road to check in, then it was back to the Euston Flyer (do you detect the pattern yet) to meet up with the hatted legend Adam aka T-Bird. From there it was off to find some lunch at a nice little Italian place across from Kings Cross, fortunately there were no plumbers there as they may have chased us out. During lunch the ever energetic Australian Elison aka Darkspeeds appeared.
After lunch it was time to split up again leaving me with Turbo, Urtheart and Vger, to escort me to one of Sonic’s and by extension my past sites of glory SEGA World in the Trocadero London, it was a bit more run down than I last was there.
The gateway to what once was SEGA World now blocked by a coke machine
Of course SEGA was still represented there.
What do you mean? Of course I can fly this backwards!
What this is an outrage!
Fine if I can't fly I'll drive!
After wondering around a bit more we met up again with Adam, Elison and Mike .Then it was off to get some much needed food from a local Costa cafe, Vger didn’t get me anything the cheap ****** so I had to do a bit of foraging.
Just a little closer to the muffin
From there it was off for some dinner at Yo Sushi, excellent food from my home land!
I'll have that one... and that one... oh and two of those
Once everyone had had there fill of food it was time to head our separate ways back to hotels scattered around London to get some much needed rest before the big day! Unfortunately the guys I were stuck with decided to go for a drink or three in the hotel bar.
I have to say I'm not a fan 'hick'
You can never out stare a fox!
Finally we headed to bed to rest up for the big day.
Sleepy time
More coming Soon…
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