Posted by Vger, Oct.04, 2009, under Community, Comments (0)

I’ve been scouring the internet for something to put up here to keep you guys from going mad on your Sunday afternoon… and well quiet frankly I failed miserably as all I managed to do was dig up a video of Tails doll dancing to music… yes this is what happens when I don’t find anything interesting… I put up stuff like this.

Now you may be thinking what can I do to prevent something like this from happening again? Well if you have found or created something that you think is worthy of wasting a Sonic fans Sunday afternoon then email me at: vger.ec@googlemail.com, it could be anything… a funny picture or video, a website basically anything as long as its related to Sonic… and not porn. Now get emailing or else I’m going to start putting up those edited Sonic X youtube clips… you know the ones where some sad fans have bastardised some images to make them look like there own characters to make them feel important.

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