Posted by Vger, Feb.24, 2010, under News, Comments (0)

I knew there would be another one! It was only a matter of time before we got to this stage, launch trailers!

Posted by Vger, Feb.19, 2010, under News, Comments (0)

I’ve run out of things to say at to introduce these trailers… anyway… this is an official trailer for the DS edition of Allstars racing which looks pretty snappy, I’ll even venture that it looks better than Mario Kart DS!

Original story: Sonic City Blognik.

Posted by Vger, Feb.15, 2010, under News, Comments (0)

Hmm, I’m slipping, I completly missed this interview with Craig Duncan exploring the finer points of Sonic and SEGA Allstars racing.

Posted by Vger, Feb.04, 2010, under News, Comments (0)

After last weeks trailer with the two really annoying ‘actors,’ a new video has surfaced with game play for the wii edition of Allstars. However it’s still annoying since it’s recorded by a camera looking at a screen in a hall or someplace and the person playing is terrible, but hey, its a new game play video, enjoy!

Posted by Vger, Feb.03, 2010, under News, Comments (0)

If you lot are at all like me then, you will waste hours of your life trying to get achievements to add to a generic number which has absolutely no bearing or usefulness in real life, and what’s more you will enjoy doing it! Is there some innate pleasure in making a number larger? It doesn’t mean anything other than prove you have way too much time and money on your hands…

Is it just me or is Tails just a little out of proportion in this picture?

Well its time to start planning your play through of ASR as they have just posted the achievements list, I think this could be the one… the one where I finally get 1000 points in a game, hit the jump for the list. (continue reading…)

Posted by Vger, Feb.02, 2010, under News, Comments (0)

Not a week goes by now that a new video for Allstars Racing doesn’t go up, and this week is shaping up to be no different.

Playr are even kind enough to provide five reasons why Allstars racing is better than Mario Kart, and I can’t really argue with them… and before people write that off as a Sonic fan dissing the Mario Kart series, I’d like to note that I love Mario Kart DS so there all valid points… especially the last one.

Quick note this video isn’t available if your sitting outside of the UK and US, tough luck guys.

Posted by Vger, Jan.12, 2010, under News, Comments (0)

A new trailer over at IGN shows Ulala from Space Channel 5 and BD Joe from Crazy Taxi are playable in Allstars Racing, watch the trailer for a bit more info.

Oh and a bit more information from Steve Lycett can be found here.


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