Posted by Titans Creed, Aug.06, 2011, under Articles, Community, Reviews, Comments (1)

There was an announcement that I spotted a while back for the Project 20 music album, created and produced by the folks over at Sonic Paradox. Now while I was interested, I kind of forgot this was happening until AAUK of Sonic Wrecks mentioned on his Radio Redux show about the album.

To which I was reminded of it, and promptly went to download it from their site, and have been listening to the tracks for the last few days to get a good feel of it.

There is a lot of nostalgia value in the 28 odd tracks available, there are certain tracks you can expect to be about, and a few of which you don’t. An example of which, is currently my favourite on the setlist, goes by the name of “The Burning Wing”, which is a remix of a track from Sonic the Fighters.

Don’t get me wrong of course, there is a lot of good tracks for perusal there. Most of which use different melodic tones and styles. A name that jumped straight of the composer list was Blake Robinson, as I remember certain Sonic related sites linking his orchestral medley of a smittering of tracks from Sonic’s 1,2 and 3. His outing on Project 20, certainly doesn’t disapoint either. Going by the name of “Flight of the Robotnik”, which is a combination of boss themes from Sonic’s 1,2,3 and Knuckles. The first time I had actually heard this song though, admittedly, was via Mike Pollock‘s Facebook feed, I enjoyed it then, and I enjoy it even more so that I can listen to it at my leisure.

My only complaint, overall, with the album, is that there is a few tracks done by one composer, instead of one track per composer. Probably due to time restraints on both composers and a set time limit to get the album out to general populace.

By checking the Sonic Paradox forums, you can see that there was an original load more songs ot be there, which would of made the album really big. As such, it’s a shame that all are not available, as it would of most likely added a lot more depth and variety with a more varied composer list.

The music album is available via direct download and torrent from the Sonic Paradox Project 20 site.

Feel free to mention in the comments below what your favourite track from the album is!


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