Posted by Titans Creed, Feb.12, 2012, under Articles, Artist Ally, Community, Comments (1)

Welcome back to the Artist Alley, where from week to week, we’ll be highlighting an piece of musical or artistic flair that you may have missed, or be unaware of. Hit the jump to see today’s piece.

(continue reading…)

Posted by Titans Creed, Oct.14, 2011, under Articles, Comments (3)

Today’s highlight brings you not one, but TWO videos.

A little back ground first, Blue Core Studios created, produced and released a not for profit Megaman fan film, which focussed around the first game, with nods and mentions to some of the others.

It received both positive and negative opinions. But, personally, I enjoyed it, and now the studio has redirected it’s focus to it’s next project, one of a more Sonic approach…

The first teaser trailer, came to a few negative pushes due to mostly the look of Sonic’s hair, but overall, it built some hype towards the project, and then the second teaser trailer came out…

This one, sounded absolutely amazing, and has really given the fan project a good amount of positive hype. Personally, I’m looking forward to it, by a large amount.

What are your thoughts on the teaser trailers and the project in general? Let us know in the comments below.

Posted by Titans Creed, Oct.07, 2011, under Articles, Comments (0)

Another Retro Hardware video from the Gamestation, this time with a focus on another of SEGA’s consoles – The SEGA Saturn.


Posted by Titans Creed, Sep.30, 2011, under Articles, Comments (1)

Today I bring you a video from YouTube user, Lizard123456789. This little video is filled with an awesome guitar version of Flying Battery Zone. Listen, enjoy, and if you check the user’s channel, you’ll find some other Sonic-y related tunes in there. Enjoy.


Posted by Titans Creed, Sep.23, 2011, under Articles, Comments (1)

Back in May, there was a video released by a band called Goldfish, for one of their songs called We Come Together.

If you had followed myself on Twitter back then, you would of seen it then, and you may have seen it since it’s release, but if you had seen it, you would have known why it was so interesting, and it was the mixture of alot of retro games mixed into their music video.

How many exactly can you name? List it below in the comments.

Posted by Titans Creed, Sep.16, 2011, under Articles, Comments (0)

A few weeks ago, Vger gave you links to some Andy Gillion Sonic Tribute songs. Today, I bring you another, but it’s not Sonic related… *GASP*

It is truly a nostalgic piece of work, and if you enjoy Andy’s work, you can view more of it here.

Posted by Titans Creed, Sep.09, 2011, under Articles, Comments (1)

Some of you may follow certain a certain YouTube channel called The GameStation, some of you might not.

Basically it hosts quite a few individual shows, one of these is a piece that focuses on retro hardware, and a piece they did semi-recently was a piece on SEGA’s last foray into the hardware area – The Dreamcast.


Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's,
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