Ever since the new voice actor for Tails was announced I’ve been eagerly anticipating this latest interpretation of our favourite two tailed fox, and now we have it… well about half a second of it, but I take what I can get.
Tails voice can be heard explaining the drill wisp at the one minute mark, actually sounds very similar to the old one except a little older which is a good thing.
Oh and there a couple of other videos, hit the jump to watch.
A video showing off the co-op mode which is looking pretty sweet.
The next one shows off Tropical Resort stage, once again wetting my apatite for this game, who knows I may even move the site over to tropical resort, it’s got a nice view of the planet.
All videos are originally from Gamekult.com a French gaming website of all places…
So all in all Tails new voice seems good so far, keep up the good work SEGA.
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