OH DEAR LORD. Urth, Vger AND Nemain in the same show? GOD HELP US ALL.
Yes. It’s that time of year. Screw Bonfire night, stuff Halloween, bugger it to Christmas… No-one cares about any of you. It’s time for an EC Airwaves special edition show featuring all of the site crew. This orgy of craziness is bound to make you laugh till you cry… Or just cry out of fear for your sanity. One or the other.
What’s the plan, I hear you all bay loudly? Well, as most of you will know from the IRC, where there’s a Nemain there is no plan… Random things happen, like Scotland detaching from England and the space-time continuum exploding. While we don’t want to give away the broad spectrum of things in store for you (and to be fair, Vger’s planning something he ain’t telling either of us two lackeys), you can expect the following things to happen:
Competition time!
Yes, we have a competition or two up our sleeves. As well as launching a larger competition on the show, we will be giving out spot prizes on the night too. Tune in for more details and to possibly win yourself some merch!
Live action Dream to Nightmare!
Yes, the EC crew shall be filling their respective roles and will be acting out classic scenes from the ever insane Dream to Nightmare: TSS vs EC arc. This will not end well…
Ask the EC crew!
Have you ever had a burning question for us that just won’t go away? Ever wondered if Vger really is an alcoholic? Wonder where Nemain gets her ideas for DtN from? Post your questions in the comments below and we’ll answer them on the show! If you think of something on the day we’ll be keeping an eye on the IRC too – Don’t be shy, ask away!
All this and much more, including random music and the ongoing dispute between Nemain and Urtheart about who the superior pirate is… Will the score ever be settled? Who knows? Who cares? It’s bound to make for insane listening. You can expect this clusterbuggery of madness at 9pm GMT on Friday 5th November, immediately after Turbo Drive Live. Tune in, or else angry AAUK will eat your face.

Spin October 30, 2010 at 1:01 am |
Jonneh October 30, 2010 at 1:12 pm |
Ein Eagle Vanato October 30, 2010 at 2:40 pm |
SIT12 October 31, 2010 at 11:23 am |
This was just off the top of my head,. Out of the three of you, who would you say was best at predicting the future (A.K.A. what’s going to happen next)?
T.A Black November 4, 2010 at 11:08 pm |
Well, two of you have already seen the randomness of my questions before through Dragon’s Den, but I think it isn’t fair to leave Nemain out. So, to celebrate this unique show, I do believe it’s time for another…
1) Were any of you affected by the hour extra sleep given to us through Daylight Savings Time on Sunday?
2) Penny for the Guy?
3) If you could do to any alternative dimension you could think of, where would it be and who would your version be called?
4) If you could have one guest (famous or otherwise) for your show(s), who would it be and why?
5) Sparklers or Toffee Apples?
6) Are any of you going to enter the fray that is Wrecks Factor this year?
7) What is your favourite type of firework?
8) Wrenches or Port?
9) Is Dream to Nightmare a carefully orchestrated plan created by Christopher Nolan, who then managed to incept it into manifestation though you lot, or just a random webcomic created by Nemain?
10) And finally, what would you do for a webcomic’s 300th strip?
[…] taken the necessary precautions against the madness already, such as FLEEING THE INTERNETS) that The Great EC SSR Clusterbuggery ™ is tonight at 9pm GMT, right after Turbo Drive Live. To tune in, simply go here and click on Listen, or join us in the […]