Posted by Vger, May.01, 2011, under Community, Comments (0)

UPDATE: Registration is now closed

Taken from Summer of Sonic Website:

Today we are launching our free ‘reservation’ service for those that are travelling from far away and wish to secure a place at The Summer of Sonic convention.

Entry is free, but we want to ensure that everyone who intends to make plans to stay in London can do so without fear of losing a place inside the venue and missing out on the day’s activities. As such, please note that this is a goodwill service only and is not a means of obtaining proof of entry into the Summer of Sonic event.

You can apply for a reservation at this website. Fill in the form, and we will check it over and email you a card which will need to be exchanged at the door for entry. The reservation card alone is not guaranteed proof of entry – it only saves you a place inside the venue, and for four hours after the event’s opening time (between 9am – 1pm).

The Summer of Sonic staff reserve the right to deny you entry if necessary, and you must still read and understand the Terms and

Conditions of Entry on acceptance of entry on the day. The Terms and Conditions of Entry will be made available on the Summer of Sonic website ahead of the June 25th event date.

If you’re unable to get a reservation in time, don’t worry – we have taken extra measures to accommodate additional visitors in a pinch, so you may be able to get in on the day. Because we are expecting an overwhelming turnout, however, we highly recommend you apply for a reservation as soon as possible. If you need to add group or family members, you will need to apply each person separately.

We hope you are able to use this service to get peace of mind and secure your travel arrangements for the weekend! Let’s celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary together! See you on June 25th!

So yeah, if your planing on attending this year I’d recommend getting a reservation.

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