Posted by Vger, Sep.01, 2011, under Community, EC Updates, Other, Comments (1)

It’s Thursday so time to swap over the polls, and this weeks question is, Which Sonic game style do you play the most? It seemed a little too easy to say which you prefer, I Just want to see which one eats peoples time the most, therefore giving them the best longevity.

Your options are:

Big budget: Colours/Generations (you can include Secret rings etc in here as well)

Side Scrollers: Sonic 4/Rush (oh and lets not forget Sonic 1, 2, 3 etc)

Racing: Riders (Allstars racing, drift, Sonic R)

Card Collecting: Sonic Tweet (or puzzle game i.e. Sonic Shuffle)

Vote now in the right hand nav bar! Last weeks results after the jump!

Oh and lets not forget last weeks results,

In third place, with 7 votes, we have the brain dead who wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between Evil Super Sonic (Fleetway) and Evil Super Sonic (Archie), What’s an Archie and Fleetway?

In second with a respectable 11 votes for a comic that has been dead for almost a decade we have fleetway.

But the runaway victor is Archie with 15 votes, yeah who didn’t see that coming?

1 Comment

Mr. Looney

September 3, 2011 at 10:28 pm


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