Posted by ValorB, Apr.15, 2014, under Angry Fox, Articles, Comics, Comments (0)

With the combination of my job (19 days before I get 2 off) and my video game addiction (Final Fantasy then Assassins Creed 3-4 then Batman Origins then Secret World then Ghost Recon Phantoms then alskdffg4345 *overdoses* .w. ) and THEN writing in my SECOND book, I have been slacking off hardcore with the comic and I r sorry.

However I r doing things again.  I am trying to build up steam and get things moving as you can see here.


The plan is to finish this arch; move into another where in Mort introduces Jerry into a Virtual Reality Video Games; and then that MEGA SUPER DUPER ARCH featuring the Emerald Coast Staff; and as many Sonic Fan Characters/comic/story/tv/tropes/movie/obscure/references I can stuff into it.

But just so you all are warned, I plan on doing any extensive action sequences in black and white with vague splashes of color.  I am also going to be altering some classes on the principle characters.

When I say some. I mean one.

I mean Rina.  Because the original class seems, restrictive; and in the draft I have I don’t get much to work with to show off her power.
As in her ability to magic things into oblivion.  To be a pure badass.

Yeah.  I’m still alive. 🙂

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Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's,
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