
Concept: Mobius
an amazing site bringing together the most comprehensive information on the Sonic franchise out there.

Power Rings
Seminal sprite comic, by a bunch of crazy Canadians, putting a smutty spin on the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Comic series, well worth reading.

Radio SEGA
Get your fill of SEGA music old and new, great just to listen to anytime, run by SegaMark.

SEGA Driven
New site celebrating all things SEGA, from Sonic Yoda who used to run a website of the same name.

SEGA Media
Site run by Fastfeet with a massive FTP hub full of Sonic and SEGA related media, but the real gems of the site are the studios including SEGASonic TV.

Sonic City
Fan site run by Rave92, with information on upcoming games and roms of the old games available to download.

Shadow Flash
A site for Shadow fans with media information and fan content covering every aspect of the dark hedgehog.

Sonic Style
AaUK’s American cousin, Sonic Style is a great media resource including the usual bits and peace’s along with hard to find ripped artwork, also home to Sonic Billboard a run down of Sonic tracks as voted for by you the Sonic fan!

Sonic Wrecks
Sprite comic, media resource, home to Radio Redux, and my main competition, run by the one the only ArchangelUK.

Fan game created for a eighties Japanese TV series by a good friend of mine, Crash Overide.

Want to Affiliate?

Interested in affiliating with Emerald Coast? Then please read the rules below;

1. First off the website has to be your own work and not contain any hateful or pornographic material, unless it’s really funny… in a good way.

2. No free web hosted sites, it’s nothing personal I just find there prone to massive down time, and pop up adverts.

3. Your site must update reasonably often, at least once a month, and if your site is found to be idle for more than six months without good reason then you will be removed, no offence to anyone I just don’t see the point in being affiliated with a ‘dead website.’

4. I may at times make an exception to the above rules, all decisions are final.

If you feel your site meets these criteria then send an email to vger.ec[@]googlemail.com (remove square brackets around @ when using the address in an email) Don’t forget to include your website address and an image link for your site.

Thank you for your interest.


Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's,
the grey Chaos Emerald (aka the evil one), magic and Wordpress. Sonic and all related characters are copyright of SEGA and Sonic Team and are
reproduced here without their permission. For best results this site should be viewed with Firefox, however other browsers are supported.