001-010 | 011-020 | 021-030 | 031-040 | 041-050 | 051-060 | 061-070 | 071-080 | 081-090 | 091-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-190 | 191-200 | 201-210 | 211-220 | 221-230 | 231-240 | 241-250

Sonic the Hedgehog # 211
Released:April 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley and Jason Jensen
Home Invasion Part Two
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Stephen Butler | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Mat Herms
Iron Nicole reveals a secret that the Iron Queen never saw coming… and now all bets are off as the duel to end them all begins! But that’s just the half of it, as friends, foes and perhaps a bystander or two enter the fray with freedom hanging in the balance! Don’t miss this thrill-packed issue filled with one great Sonicverse character after another including Monkey Khan, Tails, the Iron King, Espio, Snively Robotnik, Geoffrey, Lien-Da, Amy, Antoine and more! Don’t miss the explosive action!
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Sonic the Hedgehog # 212
Released: May 2010 | Cover: Sanford
The Roads We Take
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Matt Herms
The fallout from the “Iron Dominion” saga continues to settle as our heroes deal with the aftermath and face some tough choices ahead. What secrets will Sonic and Tails find in the seemingly abandoned EggDome? Will Espio finally confront his former teammates, the Chaotix? Will Princess Sally make a final choice of who to set her heart on? The answers to these and other questions await in this intriguing tale!
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Sonic the Hedgehog # 213
Released: June 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley
Reigning Cats and Dogs Part One
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracy Yardley | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Matt Herms
Sonic and Princess Sally head south to become honorary members of the new Wolf Pack Nation, but stumble into a major mystery along the way: a talisman is missing, and the accusations are flying! Can Sonic stave off an all-out war? What shocking discovery does Sally make? The answers are as astounding as special guest-star Big the Cat!
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Sonic the Hedgehog # 214
Released: July 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley
Reigning Cats and Dogs Part Two
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Matt Herms
Sonic, Sally and Big find themselves in the middle of all-out WAR! It’s mass hysteria as the clash of the Cats and Wolves begins, but what new threat could be pulling their strings? Get ready for old friends, new faces and much, much more in the cataclysmic conclusion of “Reigning Cats and Dogs”!
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Sonic the Hedgehog # 215
Released: August 2010 | Cover: Jamal Peppers, Jim Amash, Jason Jensen
Family Matters – Part One
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Matt Herms
Sonic journeys to the frozen Northern Tundra to link up with the Arctic Freedom Fighters and attempt to rescue Rotor’s family and herd from the latest Dark Egg Legion threat! Rotor wants to come out of retirement to save his family, but first he’ll have to face… Silver?!
PLUS: “Future Tense”: A glimpse into the “time” that Silver calls home!
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Sonic the Hedgehog # 216
Released: September 2010 | Cover: Jamal Peppers, Jim Amash, Jason Jensen
Family Matters – Part Two
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Steven Butler | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Matt Herms
There’s one exciting confrontation after another in the frozen waste of the Northern Tundra, as Sonic and the Arctic Freedom Fighters fight for their lives against the newest, most-threatening incarnation of the Dark Egg Legion yet! Will Rotor and Silver come to the rescue or will they be too busy finishing each other off?
PLUS: “Future Tense”: explore a stirring, fresh look into the “Future Tense” Silver calls home in the second instalment of this intriguing tale!
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Sonic the Hedgehog # 217
Released: October 2010 | Cover: Terry Austin & Matt Herms
Thicker than Water – Part One
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Ben Bates | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Matt Herms
Sonic and Bunnie head out into the Great Desert to aid Freedom Fighters in need, but they get caught up an whirl-wind ruckus! Who is friend and who is foe? Sonic comes face-to-face with enemies of the past while Bunnie is reunited with someone of her mysterious past! Then, in “Welcome Back, Chao!” Amy Rose runs into a few familiar faces – and a few new ones, too!
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Sonic the Hedgehog # 218
Released: November 2010 | Cover: Tracy Yardley, Terry Austin, and Matt Herms
Thicker than Water – Part Two
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Ben Bates | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Matt Herms
It’s Sonic versus Bunnie in a no-holds-barred battle! The prize: the sprawling Oil Ocean Refinery! Two factions stand poised to attack as hero turns on hero – but is everything as it seems? There will be as many revelations as explosions! Then, in “Hindsight,” Dr. Eggman calls Snively in for questioning. What is the conniving little man up to this time?
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Sonic the Hedgehog # 219
Released: December 2010 | Cover: Jamal Peppers, Terry Austin and Matt Herms
In Service to the King
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Jamal Peppers | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Matt Herms
Sonic and Geoffrey St. John are sent on a perilous mission into the Special Zone. Nothing two heroes can’t handle, right? That is until the shocking twist that puts one of our heroes in mortal danger!
Sonic Colours
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Tracey Yardley | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Matt Herms
A brief introduction to Sonic Colours
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Sonic the Hedgehog # 220
Released: January 2011 | Cover: Jamal Peppers, Terry Austin and Matt Herms
In Service to the King – Part Two
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Jamal Peppers | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Matt Herms
anger abounds in this pulse-pounding issue! Sonic is lost in a void with no chance of escape! One of his friends is about to make a terrible mistake! An old villain is poised to return, and a Chaos Emerald hangs in the balance!
From The Inside Out
Script: Ian Flynn | Pencils: Jamal Peppers | Inker: Terry Austin | Colours: Ray Dillion
Discover the final fate of the villainess Lien-Da.
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001-010 | 011-020 | 021-030 | 031-040 | 041-050 | 051-060 | 061-070 | 071-080 | 081-090 | 091-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-190 | 191-200 | 201-210 | 211-220 | 221-230 | 231-240 | 241-250