Posted by ValorB, Mar.09, 2012, under Angry Fox, Comics, Comments (4)

…can stupid things like this happen.


You have to read it to believe it.  Go here to Fox News and see for yourself.  I haven’t been able to completely confirm it (because its Fox News, I take everything with a bit of salt from them…I STILL REMEMBER MASS EFFECT YOU B- ) but a friend heard it on the news the other day before I went looking for it.

I’ll keep my personal view on the matter to myself, but feel free to drop Jerry any questions on the Matter. :V



March 10, 2012 at 1:30 am

Simple sentence…Cocaine was a hell of uh drug! or perhaps this explains why I feel america is f’d up!http://loldrugs.com/sites/loldrugs.com/files/images/posts/pooh_large.jpg


March 10, 2012 at 7:58 am

Boy am I glad I don’t live in the USA….not that the people in my country have more intelligence >.>.


March 10, 2012 at 5:48 pm

touche’ comiccommentor I wish I could leave this country too cause it blows anymore. People have litterally lost their common sense here. Every day when I turn on the news all I hear is the peanuts teacher anymore…wahh wunn wohn waahh waahh lol.


March 10, 2012 at 8:11 pm

Sadly this is the School District I’m a student of. I can see the reason why it can be seen as racist, but this is just absurd. Curse it SAISD…

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