Posted by Urtheart, Sep.15, 2010, under Articles, Artist Ally, Community, Comments (2)

So yeah this weeks Just in Time might be a wee bit delayed… ask vger.

Instead we are going to bring you some art from the ever so lovely lass Ram the Dragon aka Sofia.

But do you want a picture just as awesome for one of your characters? Click the more button to find out how…

Sofia is a good friend of ours, and while all the EC crew live in the UK, it took the Sonic Wrecks Crew a good amount of time and effort to get poor old Echohawk over to the UK against the evil government (sadly smuggling aboard the heartless wasn’t an option here, it needs repairing atm).

Sofia is another one of those lasses trapped away from the SW crew, and we want to help get her over. This picture was actually a commision from Nemain for the EC crew, and while I’ve commishioned some stuff for your future enjoyment (or mental scaring) she’s also open for other people to commission her.

How you may ask? Well multiple ways, if you want to browser her work to see what she is capable of you can get her through her Deviantart Account or if you would rather contact her direct then send her and email at ram_dragon <at> hotmail <dot> com. She can give you the details of how much stuff will cost (and she will give you some excellent deals) and then all you ahve to do is Paypal her the money, simples.

So what are you waiting for? Help her get to the UK in time for Summer of Sonic 2011, that way all you UK fans get to see and hug her, maybe she’ll bring the art all the way overseas too for you.



September 15, 2010 at 2:28 pm

I’ve had her on favorites for awhile~ o3o


September 16, 2010 at 11:17 pm

if we help her does that mean we get to get a sofia token?

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