Posted by Vger, May.24, 2009, under Community, Comments (0)

Its that time of the week again, when the sun is shinning and you can’t be bothered to go outside and enjoy it so instead your inside relaxing in the joys that are the internet, so it’s about time I recommend something Sonic themed to fill your time, this week if you didn’t guess it from the title I’m recommending Chaos Diamond 3, read on for my reasons why.

Chaos Diamond 3 is a story written by Psyguy from Fireball20xl and illustrated by various comic artists over the years which actually achieves what only a few online web comics can claim, an ending! Now I’m not implying the story is bad here, on the contrary the story is really enjoyable with action adventure and a bit of comedy thrown in here and there for good measure. What I am saying by there being an ending is that you don’t have to keep on waiting for the next part to come out so you can read the whole thing in one sitting and not have to worry about whats going to happen next.

The story takes place a few years after Sonic Adventure 2 with quiet a few changes, it follows the cast of Tails, Amy, Shadow and Eggman, as they try to discover the truth of the 3 Chaos Diamonds ancient relics that are far more powerful that the chaos Emeralds.

I managed to get through all 360 pages in about an hour and a half so its nothing too time intensive so just about perfect to kill a Sunday afternoon, but enough of me ranting on about it, have a read for yourselves.

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